BEC Recordings
Release Date: September 30th 2022
Reviewed by: Joshua Andre
Kutless– Words Of Fire (Single) (Amazon mp3/iTunes)
BEC Recordings
Release Date: September 30th 2022
Reviewed by: Joshua Andre
Kutless– Words Of Fire (Single) (Amazon mp3/iTunes)
BEC Recordings
Release Date: July 20th 2022
Reviewed by: Joshua Andre
Kutless– Twenty (Amazon mp3/iTunes)
If you can remember back about 6 months or so, I had the pleasure of unveiling my favourite 25 albums of January – June of 2017. And while I myself still haven’t reviewed everything that I wanted to in the year of 2017, I have since come to the conclusion, that 2017 was and is one of my favourite years in terms of music. And thus here we are in January 2018, as I am unveiling my favourite 30 albums of the back half of 2017. I have incorporated quotes/descriptions of my favourite 15 albums of July-December and the remaining 15 without quotes (because frankly, it could take too long for a reader to check out, and thus, the post could seem daunting and overwhelming to read), totaling 30 albums in the back half of the year that have stood out for me personally. And so without further ado, here below are my favourite albums of 2017 (second half). I will also do a post showing my favourite albums of 2017, period (thereby incorporating my favourite albums of the first half and second half of 2017 in one post. What are your favourite albums of 2017. Read on to check out mine!
Continue reading BEST OF 2017- PART 12: TOP 30 ALBUMS OF 2017 (JULY – DECEMBER)
It’s that time of the year again. December time means that we’re due to post another best of 2017 list! Excited? This time, it’s time to reveal our favourite songs from October – December 2017. You can check out our previous ‘best of 2017 song lists’ here (Jan-March 2017), here (April-June 2017), and here (July-Sept 2017) and be sure to let us know your thoughts on your favourite songs!
Continue reading BEST OF 2017- PART 9: TOP 20 SONGS OF 2017 (OCTOBER – DECEMBER)
BEC Recordings
Release Date: November 10th 2017
Reviewed by: Joshua Andre
Kutless– Alpha/Omega (Amazon mp3/iTunes)
Hello again! Two times in one day, isn’t this a treat! If you’ve read my previous best of 2017 post, then you’ll know I delved into my favourite 20 songs released from July – September 2017. So what else could I post about, given the posts we’ve already written about in the ‘Best of 2017’ series? Well, it’s time to speak about 10 releases that are most anticipated (by myself!) that are set to release within the next three months. Though the year’s gone by and there are thousands of releases that have been unveiled in 2017, let us remember that there are 90 odd days remaining in the year for us to be blessed with new music and up and coming artists. So let us without further ado delve into 10 albums releasing in the last quarter of 2017 that we are excited about!
Don’t you feel tired of singing the same songs every Sunday morning at church services? Not that there’s anything wrong with singing “How Great is Our God” for the billionth time, except when you realise that you are indeed singing it for the billionth time. Songs are great, but sometimes, all you want is to just sing a new song. And don’t fret, because God wants you to sing a new song as well. Not that I’m great with quoting from the bible, but I do remember this- that we were supposed to sing a new song to the Lord, according to the start of Psalm 96:1. We were restless for a reason, and while I know there’s nothing wrong with singing songs to death, sometimes to sing a new song (with obviously a new easy-to-learn melody) means to bring forth a spirit of re-awakening and renewal, as we revisit some truths that may have been lost over the years in favour of monotony and the mundane.
Welcome to the latest instalment of our most recent blog series Top Tens. Last time, we unveiled 20 Artists and Songs that in our opinion should be present on WOW Hits 2018!
It seems that with the advent of Spotify, and more and more newer artists being present on WOW Hits albums, that there are more radio friendly Christian songs now than ever before. So some would say that it stands to reason that previous WOW Hits albums, especially those made in the 90’s and 00’s, were quite ‘easy’ to choose 30-odd tracks as the ‘best of the year’ without not much glaring oversights in terms of song choices.
Continue reading Top 10 ___: Top Thirty Notable Omissions from past WOW Hits albums!
It was about 10 years ago when WOW Hits 2007 was releasing, that I branched out and listened to a wider range of Christian music. From artists like BarlowGirl, Rebecca St. James, Superchick and ZoeGirl, to Tree63, Stellar Kart, Sanctus Real and Hawk Nelson; my musical tastes have certainly evolved from the early days when I just listened to artists like Carman and Delirious?. While over the last 10 years, many bands that I’ve listened to are now disbanded, what had transpired within the 10 years was, and still is, a season of appreciation and enjoyment of music of various styles. So now here I am to start a new series. In light of the new WOW Hits 2017 album releasing in September, here’s my top 10 bands that I have thoroughly enjoyed throughout these last 10 years that I have listened to Christian music on a regular basis. Then next week I’ll discuss my favourite male CCM artists, and then the week after my favourite female CCM artists… and so on. So what are my favourite bands of the last 10 years? Read on to find out.
Continue reading Top 10 ___: Top 10 CCM Bands Over the Last 10 Years
BEC Recordings
Release Date: November 13th 2015
Reviewed by: Joshua Andre
Kutless– Surrender (Amazon mp3/iTunes)