Release Date: October 27th 2017
Reviewed by: Jonathan Andre
Julie Elias– A Girl Like Me (iTunes/Amazon mp3)
Release Date: October 27th 2017
Reviewed by: Jonathan Andre
Julie Elias– A Girl Like Me (iTunes/Amazon mp3)
If you can remember back about 6 months or so, I had the pleasure of unveiling my favourite 25 albums of January – June of 2017. And while I myself still haven’t reviewed everything that I wanted to in the year of 2017, I have since come to the conclusion, that 2017 was and is one of my favourite years in terms of music. And thus here we are in January 2018, as I am unveiling my favourite 30 albums of the back half of 2017. I have incorporated quotes/descriptions of my favourite 15 albums of July-December and the remaining 15 without quotes (because frankly, it could take too long for a reader to check out, and thus, the post could seem daunting and overwhelming to read), totaling 30 albums in the back half of the year that have stood out for me personally. And so without further ado, here below are my favourite albums of 2017 (second half). I will also do a post showing my favourite albums of 2017, period (thereby incorporating my favourite albums of the first half and second half of 2017 in one post. What are your favourite albums of 2017. Read on to check out mine!
Continue reading BEST OF 2017- PART 12: TOP 30 ALBUMS OF 2017 (JULY – DECEMBER)
It’s that time of the year again. December time means that we’re due to post another best of 2017 list! Excited? This time, it’s time to reveal our favourite songs from October – December 2017. You can check out our previous ‘best of 2017 song lists’ here (Jan-March 2017), here (April-June 2017), and here (July-Sept 2017) and be sure to let us know your thoughts on your favourite songs!
Continue reading BEST OF 2017- PART 9: TOP 20 SONGS OF 2017 (OCTOBER – DECEMBER)
Another week (or so) gone, another best of post. Sounds about right? Yeah, I reckon so too. It is nearly towards the end of the year, and while during December, many movies are releasing just in time for Oscar period, albums tend to be winding down releases, in the Christian industry at least. So I guess it’s fair to say that my top 30 albums of 2015 probably won’t change between now and a month from now…if they do change, I’ll just amend it in the comments of this post. Now, without further ado, here’s my favourite 30 albums of 2015. May you have many happy hours listening to great music and enjoy the remainder of 2015.
Continue reading BEST OF 2015- PART 4: TOP 30 ALBUMS OF 2015
Welcome to the latest instalment of our most recent blog series Top Tens, even though this blog series hasn’t been active for a while. But to kick this comeback post off, we will share with you 10 bands we reckon you all need to be on the lookout for in the upcoming months, and artists we think ought to be signed by a major Christian label in the upcoming weeks and months ahead. Without further adieu, read on to find out which indie artist will be your next artist to be your undiscovered favourite.
It’s been about a month since my favourite 15 music videos of the year was posted on the site. Now at the end of October, I figure it’s time to make my choices. Below are my favourite 30 songs of 2015. Obviously there are a whole lot more songs that sadly couldn’t be represented within my top 30, considering the amount of music that is released each week throughout the year. Yet hard choices were made. Feel free to comment below about what your favourite music of the year is. Below will be the song, as well as a lyric/audio slide/music video of it, so that you can listen along as well.
Below is a list of the albums that are releasing/have released over the past three weeks; which albums are you thinking of listening to and purchasing? Which albums are you going to recommend to others and which would you bypass? Let us know in the comments below.
Continue reading Albums Releasing The Past Three Weeks (23rd August – 12th September 2015)
Release Date: September 8th 2015
Reviewed by: Jonathan Andre
Julie Elias– Unbroken (Amazon mp3/iTunes)
Julie Elias, who released her debut album A Wild Rose in 2012, and her sophomore worship album Love Rains Down in 2014, unveils her brand new all original studio album Unbroken in around a couple of weeks, with personal highlights such as the title track, “Butterly”, “Home” and “The Love Of The Lord Endures”. I had the privilege of interviewing Julie via email, as we discussed the upcoming album, what she hopes listeners will experience when hearing these 12 inspirational, personal and hope-filled new songs, as well as any hopes she has of the upcoming year ahead. Check out the interview below.
Below is a list of the albums that are releasing/have released this week; which albums are you thinking of listening to and purchasing? Which albums are you going to recommend to others and which would you bypass? Let us know in the comments below.
Continue reading Albums Releasing This Week (24th – 30th August 2014)