Gotee Records
Release Date: May 8th 2020
Reviewed by: Joshua Andre
Finding Favour– I Believe In You (Single) (Amazon mp3/iTunes)
Gotee Records
Release Date: May 8th 2020
Reviewed by: Joshua Andre
Finding Favour– I Believe In You (Single) (Amazon mp3/iTunes)
Gotee Records
Release Date: July 19th 2019
Reviewed by: Joshua Andre
Finding Favour– Old Soul (Single) (Amazon mp3/iTunes)
If you can remember back about 6 months or so, I had the pleasure of unveiling my favourite 25 albums of January – June of 2017. And while I myself still haven’t reviewed everything that I wanted to in the year of 2017, I have since come to the conclusion, that 2017 was and is one of my favourite years in terms of music. And thus here we are in January 2018, as I am unveiling my favourite 30 albums of the back half of 2017. I have incorporated quotes/descriptions of my favourite 15 albums of July-December and the remaining 15 without quotes (because frankly, it could take too long for a reader to check out, and thus, the post could seem daunting and overwhelming to read), totaling 30 albums in the back half of the year that have stood out for me personally. And so without further ado, here below are my favourite albums of 2017 (second half). I will also do a post showing my favourite albums of 2017, period (thereby incorporating my favourite albums of the first half and second half of 2017 in one post. What are your favourite albums of 2017. Read on to check out mine!
Continue reading BEST OF 2017- PART 12: TOP 30 ALBUMS OF 2017 (JULY – DECEMBER)
It’s that time of the year again. The end of September/beginning of October means that we’re due to post another best of 2017 list! Excited? This time, it’s time to reveal our favourite songs from July – September 2017. You can check out our previous ‘best of 2017 song lists’ here (Jan-March 2017) and here (April-June 2017), and be sure to let us know your thoughts on your favourite songs!
Continue reading BEST OF 2017- PART 6: TOP 20 SONGS OF 2017 (JULY – SEPTEMBER)
Gotee Records
Release Date: August 25th 2017
Reviewed by: Joshua Andre
Finding Favour– Farewell Fear (Amazon mp3/iTunes)
Welcome to the latest instalment of our Top 10 blog series. It’s been a while since we last posted Top Tens on this site (check out the last post here!)- last time, we threw back to the good ol’ days of DC Talk, and delved into some of our favourite tracks that gave us major nostalgia. This time, in light of the recent WOW Hits 2018 song reveal on (you can view the list here), I will unveil 10 songs from 10 artists that I think should have been in within the track list of 39, but weren’t, for one reason or another. What I will say is this- there are millions of popular radio singles and CCM songs releasing every year, and to fit them all into 39 spots is impossible. There will be songs that will miss out. Simple as that. However, these songs that I post below were, in my opinion, shoe-in’s for inclusion, and deserved to be present. Why they were omitted, I will probably never know.
Hang on, didn’t we do this post already? Nope, that was last year’s similar top ten’s post, titled “Top 10 CCM Songs Of The Summer 2016”. Ok, so what about this post? Nope, not that either! That was “Top 10: 30 songs to have an impact in 2017”. This top ten’s post is instead “Top 10 (30) CCM Songs of the Summer 2017”!
Though this post will be similar compared to the other two in terms of me trying to guess which songs will be big (either on the radio or in terms of impact in changing people’s lives) by the end of the ‘summer’ (Northern Hemisphere summer!)- which means the end of August; there is one slight difference. While last year, I gave my opinion on 15 songs that I reckon would be big by the end of August 2016, this year I will double that list to 30 songs. Why, you ask? Simply because this seems to be the year that there is more music released. Simple as that. Note that I said ‘seems to be the year that there is more music released’. Not ‘there is’. Cause maybe this is the year I have been paying more attention, and maybe there’s still the same amount of music…either way, if you forgot what the point of my post was last year where I wrote a similar thing, let me give you a refresher.
Continue reading TOP 10 ___: TOP 30 CCM SONGS OF THE SUMMER 2017
Just a few months ago, I posted my favourite songs of 2017 thus far, from January – March 2017. Now here is a follow-up post, favourite songs from April – June 2017. And while this type of series hasn’t really been done before (in previous years, I’ve only posted one ‘top songs of ____’ post at the end of that particular year), I’ve said, and I will say again, that 2017 is the year of the song. Not just hit songs on albums, but just hit songs period- whether it’s on an album or just released as a single. Because frankly these days, when I look at the year up until now objectively, I have realised that more often now than years previously, artists are releasing singles as opposed to new albums. Don’t get me wrong, the number of albums this year is just as much, if not more than last year. It’s just that within these last few months, we have been blessed with tracks that aren’t necessarily attached to any album. And maybe that’s a good thing. To not have to wait until an artist as a collection of songs that they can release to listeners. Often if that is the case, artists may have to wait for management approval, or they’ll have to discuss about radio format and marketability before they release an album. In 2017, with artists releasing more songs as opposed to albums, we are ever reminded that in such an industry like the music industry, it takes a lot for an album or even a song to be released on iTunes- so we ought to be appreciative when an artist does release something, be it an album or a single.
Continue reading BEST OF 2017- PART 3: TOP 20 SONGS OF 2017 (APRIL – JUNE)
Gotee Records
Release Date: June 2nd 2017
Reviewed by: Joshua Andre
Finding Favour– It Is Well (Single) (Amazon mp3/iTunes)
Welcome to the latest instalment of our most recent blog series Top Tens. Last time, we unveiled our favourite animated Disney movies of the 90’s and 2000’s!
This upcoming week is probably one of the most anticipated weeks of the year thus far- the movie The Shack releases, starring Sam Worthington, Octavia Spencer and Tim McGraw, based on the critically acclaimed novel, where the main character has a spiritual awakening after a tragic event forces him to basically revaluate his life (yeah, I still need to read the book, but it’s on my to do list!). Just this past week, the companion movie soundtrack released- while we are reviewing the album in the near future, within a few days; let me say that I have listened to the project, and the mix of songs from Christian, country and mainstream pop artists is quite unique and thought-provoking.
Continue reading TOP 10 ___: Top Thirty Inspirational ‘Mainstream’ Songs Over The Past 5 Years!