Tag Archives: audio adrenaline
Top 10 ___: 10 Songs from the 1990s That Will Be Surely Missed If They Weren’t Written
In light of the facebook post by DC Talk last week, and the anticipation by anyone who is anyone who loves music in general, about the update on social media DC Talk are going to undertake later on today; I thought this post would be fitting. Songs from the 1990s can seem like decades ago (and it was), but sometimes, and I’m guilty of this, is that sometimes all I’m listening to on my iTunes playlist is the newer songs. When I stop and wonder and think- what happens if these songs in the 1990s weren’t written? How would the musical landscape change then? So here are 10 songs we as a site thought were impactful and pivotal during the 1990s in the Christian music scene, and if these songs weren’t written, then the whole landscape of CCM would look quite different. Read below to see what our 10 choices were.
Various Artists – God’s Not Dead 2 Soundtrack
Fair Trade Services
Release Date: March 18th 2016
Reviewed by: Jonathan Andre
God’s Not Dead 2 Soundtrack (iTunes/Amazon mp3)
Continue reading Various Artists – God’s Not Dead 2 Soundtrack
BEST OF 2015- PART 3: Top 30 Songs of 2015
It’s been about a month since my favourite 15 music videos of the year was posted on the site. Now at the end of October, I figure it’s time to make my choices. Below are my favourite 30 songs of 2015. Obviously there are a whole lot more songs that sadly couldn’t be represented within my top 30, considering the amount of music that is released each week throughout the year. Yet hard choices were made. Feel free to comment below about what your favourite music of the year is. Below will be the song, as well as a lyric/audio slide/music video of it, so that you can listen along as well.
Top Twenty Favourite Songs of 2015…So Far!
Welcome to the latest instalment of our most recent blog series Top Tens. Last time, we unveiled 20 artists and songs that in our opinion should be included in WOW Hits 2017 next year. This time, on this expanded post, and in keeping with a similar theme, I will list 20 of my favourite songs of 2016 (in no particular order!).
Top Twenty Artists And Songs That Should Be Present On WOW Hits 2017!
Welcome to the latest instalment of our most recent blog series Top Tens. Last time, we unveiled 10 artists and songs that in our opinion should have been included on the official WOW Hits 2016 tracklisting, but weren’t. This time, on this special post, and in keeping with a similar theme, I will take an educated guess and list 20 songs that should be shoe-ins for WOW Hits 2017. Some songs have released, so audio slides/lyric videos/music videos/song stories will be below, but others haven’t been released yet and I am just predicting based on the artist. Will these tracks be there in a year’s time? Only time will tell.
Continue reading Top Twenty Artists And Songs That Should Be Present On WOW Hits 2017!
Top 10 ___: Top Ten Artists And Songs That Should Have Been Released on “WOW Hits 2016”!
Welcome to the latest instalment of our most recent blog series Top Tens. It’s been a while since we last posted Top Tens on this site (check out the last post here!)- last time, we explored 10 bands who have changed their sound somewhat, or ‘drastically’ over the years, through a lead singer change. This time, in light of the recent WOW Hits 2016 song reveal on Spotify (you can view the list here!), I will unveil 10 artists songs that I think should have been in within the track list of 39, but weren’t, for one reason or another.
TobyMac – **THIS IS NOT A TEST** (First Impressions Review)
Welcome to our first ever ‘first impressions’ review, which is not really an official full length review per se, but rather an early collection of succinct and insightful thoughts. While we aim to hopefully post First Impression Reviews every week, we will at least write these pieces every fortnight (because we have to take into consideration things in our lives that may unexpectedly come up, right?), in anticipation of a review of a high profile album that we will be unveiling the week after. This week, our first instalment is peering using a metaphorical microscope at TobyMac’s 6th solo album **THIS IS NOT A Test** which releases August 7th. So let’s dive in and see whether this new album is worth our while taking a listen to!
Continue reading TobyMac – **THIS IS NOT A TEST** (First Impressions Review)
Worship Wednesdays (What does Worship look like?)
How do you think people should worship? When you travel to your local church for a Sunday morning worship service, what do you expect to see? People singing, everyone raising their hands? Hymns sung, or would it be the latest CCM pop/worship melody to make the rounds on radio currently? How would you respond during worship- jumping up and down, being silent and reflective, kneeling, or hands raised? These are all valid questions to the individual, and some that have divided many throughout the centuries. Just walk into an Anglican church, a Pentecostal church, a Baptist Church, or any other denominational church and you’d probably see what I mean. The definition of worship, aside from it being a lifestyle rather than a genre of music, has meant different things to different people. And here in this new post, we will think of another valid question relating to worship- can you worship and be in God’s presence, as much or maybe even more, when you listen to a rap melody from an artist like TobyMac or Lecrae, rather than a traditional worship artist like Kari Jobe or Chris Tomlin?
Continue reading Worship Wednesdays (What does Worship look like?)
In a short 3 and a half months, the annual WOW Hits project will be released both in physical and digital form, and while we all can agree that no collection of the top 39 Christian songs of the year will fully encompass every song worthy of recognition, we can all try, sit back and make our own fantasy lists, of songs we reckon should be included in the compilation, and other tracks that we deem to miss out, for whatever reason. Earlier in the year, we released a prediction to you all, and a few months down the track, we’ve decided to disclose another predicted list- some tracks the same and others different. While I must admit there’s probably no perfect list, WOW Hits does have some traction within the CCM community, and is a great way to start if you are looking for something new, different and interesting to listen to if you are a fan like me of all things CCM.
Continue reading WOW HITS 2016: WHAT’S YOUR PREDICTION (PART 2)?