It’s been about a month since my favourite 20 EPs of the year were posted on the site. Now towards the end of October, I figure it’s time to make my choices. Below are my favourite 30 songs of 2016. Obviously there are a whole lot more songs that sadly couldn’t be represented within my top 30, considering the amount of music that is released each week throughout the year. Yet hard choices were made. Feel free to comment below about what your favourite music of the year is. Below will be the song, as well as a lyric/audio slide/music video of it, so that you can listen along as well.
Tag Archives: hillary scott & the scott family
BEST OF 2016- Part 1: Top 20 Music Videos
It’s that time of the year again…or thereabouts! Where we compile all of our best of lists, and announce our favourite songs, music videos, albums, and EP’s of the year, as well as TV shows and movies; not to mention looking forward to everything happening in the next year. But while there are still 4 and a half months to go, my first best of 2016 list (of my favourite 20 music videos!) is such that I reckon no other music video that would release throughout the rest of 2016 could enter into this list! So here are my favourite 20 music videos of the year thus far!
TOP 10 ___: Top Ten Artists And Songs That Should Have Been Released On “WOW Hits 2017″!
Hillary Scott & The Scott Family – Love Remains
HST Entertainment LLC
Release Date: July 29th 2016
Reviewed by: Jonathan Andre
Hillary Scott & The Scott Family– Love Remains (iTunes/Amazon mp3)
Continue reading Hillary Scott & The Scott Family – Love Remains
Top 10 ___: Top 10 CCM Songs Of The Summer 2016
I know, I know, it’s not summer yet, I’m sure you are all thinking… I mean isn’t summer in December, January and February? Well since most CCM albums predominately release first in the U.S., and artists also mostly tour the U.S. before any other country; then I guess for the purposes of this particular top tens post, summer is June, July and August. You could always pretend we are living in the U.S.
Anyway, now that we’ve got that out of the way, on this coming top tens post, we will delve into 15 songs which I reckon will have massive airplay on radio during the upcoming 3 months, as well as also warming our hearts and changing lives during that time also, with their heartfelt lyrics and relatable topic explored. Does that mean that these songs need to be released around that time? Nope, just in my opinion already released (or yet to be released) which will have a big impact in people’s lives during the next few months. Summer, no matter what hemisphere you live in, is a time for just hanging out with your friends, with the windows down and the stereo system blaring out your favourite tunes! So which do I think will I sing off by heart by the end of August? Read on and find out!
Continue reading Top 10 ___: Top 10 CCM Songs Of The Summer 2016
Top 10 ___: Top 10 Anticipated Albums of July-December 2016
The year has gone quite fast, hasn’t it? It’s June already and soon enough, it’ll be the end of the year. And as the weeks roll on, there’s a constant we can count on- new music releasing each Friday. By the time the year ends, heaps of albums would’ve released. So as I look ahead from the period of July-December 2016, and glance at all the prospective albums that are scheduled to release, I have already written a list a mile long of albums I’m looking forward to. Nevertheless, this blog series is a top 10s series, so widdling the long list down to just 10 selections can be tricky, yet here below are 10 albums scheduled to release in the latter half of 2016 that I am excited about.
Continue reading Top 10 ___: Top 10 Anticipated Albums of July-December 2016