Last week, we delved into the first 20 artists we posted about in our blog series, and we briefly checked up on them to see what they’re up to. Now… it’s time to see the next 20 artists. Do you want to know what’s happening to Newsboys, Backstreet Boys, Mandy Moore or Ed Sheeran?
Tag Archives: delirious?
Elle Limebear – Live From Catalyst (Single)
Provident Label Group
Release Date: November 13th 2020
Reviewed by: Jonathan Andre
Elle Limebear – Live From Catalyst (Single) (Amazon mp3/iTunes)
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Martin Smith – Iron Lung
Integrity Music
Release Date: May 10th 2019
Reviewed by: Jonathan Andre
Martin Smith – Iron Lung (Amazon mp3/iTunes)
I don’t think you can utter the words ‘praise and worship’ without uttering the word ‘Delirious?’ in the same sentence. There, I said it. Yes, this is my bold assertion. No it’s not Hillsong or even Chris Tomlin (both these two have been influential and instrumental in the praise and worship movement), nor is it Paul Baloche or even Tim Hughes. The founding ‘father’ if you will, of praise and worship music, even a founding father of ‘modern CCM’, would have to be Delirious?. Yes, the 5 piece British outfit who impacted the world stage back during the 1990s and the 2000s. Yes, that same Delirious? Then, again…maybe I’m a little bias, right? I mean after all, Delirious?, alongside Carman, has shaped my years in my own tastes of music as I grew up, and taught me all there was to know in my formative years about Christianity…so I guess this statement of Delirious? being one of the pioneers of the modern praise and worship movement, can be a bit of a stretch, right? Maybe, maybe I am just tapping into a little bit of nostalgia for a little. Maybe I am further off the mark than I’ve ever been, and Delirious? aren’t the founding ‘fathers’ as I assumed they were. Nevertheless, Delirious? (headed by Martin Smith as lead singer, Stu G. as guitarist, Stew Smith (and later Paul Evans) on drums, Jon Thatcher on bass and Tim Jupp on keys) has been with me on this journey of life and the mark they have had on Christian music, and maybe even to a broader extent, mainstream music; cannot be denied. Even during their tenure of 17 years as a band, the quintet have given to us songs of healing and hope, of poignancy and power- put it this way: had the band not exist, how would the worship landscape and the ability to create worship and praise music, how would that have changed? Would we have more free expressions of worship, people discovering new ways of delivering praise to our Father who certainly deserves such glory and honour? If Delirious? wasn’t as successful as they were, if their songs didn’t touch as many people as it did, frankly, I don’t think we’d be where we are today. Frankly, in all honesty, we ought not to give thanks for bands and artists like Chris Tomlin and Hillsong for paving the way of CCM and worship music (they very much indeed continued along the way), but rather, in my bold opinion, Delirious? by far ought to be congratulated- taking risks and daring to grab the chance of singing something bold and powerful, it is only when artists travel outside the box, like Delirious?, that they can be influential to music and society. Yes, it has been 11 years since the band played their last concert, and 12 years since their latest album. But also yes, the band has shaped CCM like I’m sure we’ve never seen before. Delirious? will forever be my favourite group/band, ever. It is in the impact of the songs on the people that I can safely say that this British band from Southampton, England, carried with it an ability to put worship into song in a way that I don’t think anyone has come before them, and I don’t think anyone would come after, as well (though I do think veteran CCM/worship singer/songwriter Jason Ingram comes close!).
Elle Limebear – Maker of the Moon / Find Me At Your Feet
Provident Label Group
Release Date: March 15th 2019 [Maker of the Moon] / April 12th 2019 [Find Me At Your Feet]
Reviewed by: Jonathan Andre
Elle Limebear – Maker of the Moon (iTunes/Amazon mp3) / Find Me At Your Feet (iTunes/Amazon mp3)
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FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 25 (The Cutting Edge 1&2, 3&4 by Delirious?)- The Pursuit of Worldly Happiness is futile, but the Pursuit of Eternal Joy is not!
What do you all reckon is the one thing that we as humans strive for? The one thing that we long for, the one thing that we wish for at night, or thank God (or whatever deity we believe in) at night; the one thing that we believe is of highest importance in this world? Is it a roof over our heads, food on the table, a steady relationship, regular meal times, a bed to sleep in, friends who challenge us, friends who stick up for us no matter what, recognition, adoration, accolades, approval from any and everyone? Is it all of these things, some or one of these, or none of these?
FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 19 (All In by Matthew West, and King Of Fools by Delirious?)- Is it about time we go all in, and walk before the King of Fools? And are we really history makers?
Have you seen the movie Sliding Doors? You know, the one starring Gwyneth Paltrow and John Hannah in the late 90’s? If you haven’t, let me give you guys a refresher (although you can always read the detailed plot on Wikpedia!). There’s a woman, and she makes a decision to board a train. After a few minutes of plot, the film ‘rewinds’ back to the point where she is about the board the train, and then she misses the train. The basic premise of the movie, is that we are shown two ‘lives’ of the woman, and we are glimpsed into how very different the outcome can be had different choices were made. Now while I won’t get into detail about nature v nurture, and whether the person you are right now is a product of your genes or your choices or your environment you live in or what you believe, or a combination of any one of what I mentioned; what I will say is this. While Sliding Doors does teach us, that yes certain choices have different ramifications; I believe that even if you make certain choices which are dumb, silly, stupid, or insane; you can still turn around and make better ones. There is a choice to change for the better. There are life changing choices and there are choices we make every day without even thinking (what to eat, what to say or not say in front of friends etc)- and one such choice was confronted to me last week, with its decision maybe having far reaching ramifications for the future.
Top 10 ___: Top Thirty Notable Omissions from past WOW Hits albums!
Welcome to the latest instalment of our most recent blog series Top Tens. Last time, we unveiled 20 Artists and Songs that in our opinion should be present on WOW Hits 2018!
It seems that with the advent of Spotify, and more and more newer artists being present on WOW Hits albums, that there are more radio friendly Christian songs now than ever before. So some would say that it stands to reason that previous WOW Hits albums, especially those made in the 90’s and 00’s, were quite ‘easy’ to choose 30-odd tracks as the ‘best of the year’ without not much glaring oversights in terms of song choices.
Continue reading Top 10 ___: Top Thirty Notable Omissions from past WOW Hits albums!
Delirious? – Ultimate Collection
Integrity Music
Release Date: July 15th 2016
Reviewed by: Jonathan Andre
Delirious?– Ultimate Collection (iTunes/Amazon mp3)
Top 10 ___: 15 Albums That Have Been Influential In My Life Thus Far
Yes, I know we as a site just posted a top 10’s mere days ago, but this topic has been brewing in me for a while. What does it mean for an album to be influential? Sure you can have your favourite albums of any given year because of great lyrics, music and the technicalities of it all. Yet for an album to be influential in your life is a different story. For an album to mean something to you in a season of our life, the album has to strike a chord with you when no other album has done before. For me during my 26 years on this earth, there has been several that have done that. Maybe we need to stop listing our favourite albums just because, and really delve deep into the heart of the matter- what albums have influenced your life in a positive manner from birth til now? Which albums are impacting for sentimental reasons? Which albums are special, mean a lot to you when others may not like the tracks for whatever reason? Regardless, influential albums are such that shape us and our character as the years go by. What are mine? Read on to find out.
Continue reading Top 10 ___: 15 Albums That Have Been Influential In My Life Thus Far