Tag Archives: carman


Hey everyone… guess what! It’s Mother’s Day 2022. So happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers of the world! But I’ve just found out that within our last ‘best of 2021’ post about our top 40 albums of 2021; we have not included some albums! Perhaps you’ve noticed, perhaps you haven’t! Anyway, the reality is that we’ve created a brand new category this year- and that’s for deluxe edition and best-of compilation albums. Pitting them in our list again all original albums… isn’t fair at all- because it’s like comparing different kinds of albums! And so, as we rectify this issue right away; let me present to you all our favourite 15 deluxe edition albums as a site for the entire of 2021! Impacting and inspiring songs are special, but a re-release with added tracks confirming the timelessness of the original album in question? They’re even more special!  So sit back, be inspired, and let these deluxe edition projects minister to you during this time of uncertainty!


Momentous Mondays: Most Influential Artists Of All Time – Where Are They Now: Week 21-40

Last week, we delved into the first 20 artists we posted about in our blog series, and we briefly checked up on them to see what they’re up to. Now… it’s time to see the next 20 artists. Do you want to know what’s happening to Newsboys, Backstreet Boys, Mandy Moore or Ed Sheeran?

Continue reading Momentous Mondays: Most Influential Artists Of All Time – Where Are They Now: Week 21-40


I turned 30 last week. Gee…whizz. That’s a big loaded statement to start off my next blog post. Yes, I did turn the big proverbial 3 0 on last week Monday, and after a big long break of just over a month between the last previous blog (Week 34 was for KING AND COUNTRY published online in mid-November) and now, I’ve managed to catch up on a very much needed time of rest, relaxation, and just generally working hard at my work as a café owner and operator. I’ve learnt to slow down a little during my time away, and to remind myself that though this year has been great as I’ve explored a vast myriad of music at my fingertips quite literally (you can search on Youtube for any musical content you wish!); my life wasn’t just music. Over this month when I wasn’t immersing myself into this particular artist and that, I found out how much time I was undertaking the discovery of new artists throughout the year. I was letting this blog series take control of my life, not necessarily consciously, but nevertheless, that’s what I was doing. To put it bluntly, I found a little of my identity in my blog post series this past year. Which isn’t that good. Still, here I am back, and ready to get into yet another year of exploring artists that I believe have made a mark on today’s music culture, amongst people, and shaped music in general. One such artist that I’m about to delve into at the moment, is 1990s and 2000s CCM legend, Carman!


FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: Week 5 (R.I.O.T. by Carman)- How Pivotal Events can Shape your Life in more Profound Ways than You Think

Before I dive into this week’s Flashback Fridays, let me ask you all a question. One that you don’t have to answer right away, but one that you can mull over and ponder. And that question is…do you all believe in pre-destination or free will? That, my friends, is the million-dollar question, because even if we all are Christians, even if we all are brothers and sisters, we all have different viewpoints on this controversial topic. I mean, God gave us free will, but if we start talking about hypotheses and something like ‘fictional alternative universes’, then this get a little bit, shall we say, interesting.

Continue reading FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: Week 5 (R.I.O.T. by Carman)- How Pivotal Events can Shape your Life in more Profound Ways than You Think

Top 10 ___: Top Thirty Notable Omissions from past WOW Hits albums!

Welcome to the latest instalment of our most recent blog series Top Tens. Last time, we unveiled 20 Artists and Songs that in our opinion should be present on WOW Hits 2018!

It seems that with the advent of Spotify, and more and more newer artists being present on WOW Hits albums, that there are more radio friendly Christian songs now than ever before. So some would say that it stands to reason that previous WOW Hits albums, especially those made in the 90’s and 00’s, were quite ‘easy’ to choose 30-odd tracks as the ‘best of the year’ without not much glaring oversights in terms of song choices.

Continue reading Top 10 ___: Top Thirty Notable Omissions from past WOW Hits albums!

Top 10 ___: 15 Albums That Have Been Influential In My Life Thus Far

Yes, I know we as a site just posted a top 10’s mere days ago, but this topic has been brewing in me for a while. What does it mean for an album to be influential? Sure you can have your favourite albums of any given year because of great lyrics, music and the technicalities of it all. Yet for an album to be influential in your life is a different story. For an album to mean something to you in a season of our life, the album has to strike a chord with you when no other album has done before. For me during my 26 years on this earth, there has been several that have done that. Maybe we need to stop listing our favourite albums just because, and really delve deep into the heart of the matter- what albums have influenced your life in a positive manner from birth til now? Which albums are impacting for sentimental reasons? Which albums are special, mean a lot to you when others may not like the tracks for whatever reason? Regardless, influential albums are such that shape us and our character as the years go by. What are mine? Read on to find out.

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Top 10 ___: 10 Songs from the 1990s That Will Be Surely Missed If They Weren’t Written

In light of the facebook post by DC Talk last week, and the anticipation by anyone who is anyone who loves music in general, about the update on social media DC Talk are going to undertake later on today; I thought this post would be fitting. Songs from the 1990s can seem like decades ago (and it was), but sometimes, and I’m guilty of this, is that sometimes all I’m listening to on my iTunes playlist is the newer songs. When I stop and wonder and think- what happens if these songs in the 1990s weren’t written? How would the musical landscape change then? So here are 10 songs we as a site thought were impactful and pivotal during the 1990s in the Christian music scene, and if these songs weren’t written, then the whole landscape of CCM would look quite different. Read below to see what our 10 choices were.

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Joshua Andre’s Best Of 2014 (Part 1: Albums)

MercyMe welcome to the new

It’s been about nearly two weeks into 2015, how is this year treating each of you?

So now that you’ve read Jon’s best of 2014 list of albums releasing in 2014, let’s dive into see what my choices are. I’ll admit, some of them are the same (we are brothers after all, and love similar kinds of music), but bear with me, cause some choices are different. Though it’s been a bit longer than I originally wanted to post about best albums, let me reveal this long awaited list without further ado. As I list my choices, hopefully you will hear why these albums are special. Hopefully you can be inspired and encouraged by them again and again as well!

Continue reading Joshua Andre’s Best Of 2014 (Part 1: Albums)