Don’t you feel tired of singing the same songs every Sunday morning at church services? Not that there’s anything wrong with singing “How Great is Our God” for the billionth time, except when you realise that you are indeed singing it for the billionth time. Songs are great, but sometimes, all you want is to just sing a new song. And don’t fret, because God wants you to sing a new song as well. Not that I’m great with quoting from the bible, but I do remember this- that we were supposed to sing a new song to the Lord, according to the start of Psalm 96:1. We were restless for a reason, and while I know there’s nothing wrong with singing songs to death, sometimes to sing a new song (with obviously a new easy-to-learn melody) means to bring forth a spirit of re-awakening and renewal, as we revisit some truths that may have been lost over the years in favour of monotony and the mundane.
As we look to see what 2017 has offered (and has to offer) in terms of new worship songs to sing, we are reminded that yes, indeed, worship songs are created left right and centre. But then again, what will impact you in your walk with Christ may not have the same lasting impact on myself. We respond to different songs and melodies. I may enjoy Kari Jobe’s new worship album The Garden very much, but you could really be enjoying the new album After All These Years from Brian and Jenn Johnson (or the same album title by Andrew Peterson from a couple of years ago!). But at the end of it all, there are always some songs that are to be unanimously enjoyed and liked amongst most, if not all, of anyone who hears these songs. So in this Top 10s/Worship Wednesdays post, we are to divulge 10 songs that have released in 2017 thus far, that I reckon ought to be unanimously enjoyed by years end…but then again, we have another 9 months to go, things can change. So without further ado, here are 10 songs that are sure to have an impact as 2017 continues to roll on…or will they? Let us know in the comments which songs have impacted you in 2017, and if any songs from my top 10s list are sure to be introduced on Sunday morning worship services in the near future (or when people are sick and tired of singing ‘Good, Good Father’!).
Death Was Arrested (North Point)
The Cross Has the Final Word (Cody Carnes)
Fall Afresh (Kari Jobe)
Worthy of Your Name (feat. Sean Curran) (Passion)
This We Know (feat. Kristian Stanfill) (Passion)
You Redeem (Aaron Shust)
God Who Moves the Mountains (Jaci Velasquez)
Beacon (Jimi Cravity)
You Came Running (Laura Story)
King of My Heart (Kutless)