Tag Archives: continuum
There are sometimes during the weeks where I sit and ponder and wonder. What really, really constitutes a great song or artist? Is it the message of the melody, the lyrics, what is being said, that would make the song stand the test of time in the end? Is it the musical composition, and the various layers of guitars, drums, keyboards and the like, that evoke different emotions, considering who is listening to it? Is it the general perception of the artist that determines whether a song or even an album by that artist, is successful, impactful or even decade-defying or not? Does an artist make a song, or can a song make an artist? These are the questions that have been haunting fans of music, and critics of it, for quite some time, and as we sit and think about all this, in 2020; I don’t think we’ve ever come to a clear conclusion sooner, if at all. For artists, songs, and albums are people’s preferences, and what one person can deem in their own lives as influential, the other can avoid with a ten-foot-pole. That’s just life, and there’s millions of genres available for people to listen to, to their hearts content. Music is very, very subjective, and so for me to tackle this year-long (and then some), project, about the top 100 Influential Artists (in my very own subjective opinion)- and then to top it off, 40 artists that are deemed the ‘classics’…you see what I mean right? People can call this ‘music experiment’ mere folly. And yet for me upon reflection- since I started embarking on this vastly daunting (yet equally exciting and rewarding) venture, I’ve been realising that such an exercise as this, as led me to appreciate music in all its facets all the more.
Sunday News Roundup (1st – 28th June 2015)
Who wants to read about the latest news over the past four and a bit weeks? It’s time for another Sunday News Roundup, here’s the next mega instalment from the 1st to the 28th June 2015. Enjoy reading the scoop on the latest news, spanning over the past month!
Joshua Andre’s Best Of 2014 (Part 3: Movies And TV Shows)
Have you read the first two posts of my best of list here and here? Anxious to know my top TV shows and movies of 2014? Well, it’s time for me to show you all the third part of my list. After much deliberation (apologies for the long gap between the last instalment and this part), here is my list of favourite TV shows and movies of 2014. To try to make this post succinct and not to ramble on in any description or synopsis of the show or movie, I will list the show or movie, as well as the season, and a trailer of the show if possible (for the show) and a trailer (for the movie) as well. So sit back and read on. Let me know what your favourite shows and movies are!
Continue reading Joshua Andre’s Best Of 2014 (Part 3: Movies And TV Shows)
Sunday News Roundup (19th-25th January 2015)
Here’s the next instalment of “Sunday News Roundup”, from the 19th til the 25th January 2015. Enjoy reading the scoop on the latest news!
Continue reading Sunday News Roundup (19th-25th January 2015)
Sunday News Roundup (8th-21st December 2014)
Here’s the next instalment of “Sunday News Roundup”, this time a special supersized edition from the 8th til the 21st December. Enjoy reading the scoop on the latest news, and be sure to check out Sunday News Roundup again in 2015 as we take a break!
Continue reading Sunday News Roundup (8th-21st December 2014)
Futuristic Fridays (The Future of the World)
Wondering about the future can be such a scary thing. What will happen in 10 years, 20 or even 50? Would DVD’s still be in circulation, would Coles, Woolworths, even companies like Coca Cola, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Twitter or Disney be multinational global powerhouses, or will another company rise up to the challenge and step in? Will the United States of America still be the country that everyone looks towards for comfort, entertainment, news and security, or will another country, like China or India rise up and take their place? These are legitimate questions, and ought to be asked- by myself, and hopefully others, as we look towards our own personal futures, and the futures of our home countries, and the world, in years and decades to come.
Continue reading Futuristic Fridays (The Future of the World)
TV Thursdays: Who Am I? (Orphan Black, Continuum and Person Of Interest)
I have always loved TV shows that make us think about how we treat society and our actions, and confront us to take a deeper glance within ourselves, seeing if our actions align with our words and our beliefs. It’s these type of shows that can transcend the test for time because of their enduring and universal messages applicable to every person around the world, regardless of culture, religion, morals and other values.
Continue reading TV Thursdays: Who Am I? (Orphan Black, Continuum and Person Of Interest)