Category Archives: Video

BEST OF 2018- PART 4: Top 20 Music Videos of January – June

With four days to go before June 2018 is over and then we’re heading into the second half of the year; I sit back and reflect- gee, this year has gone by real fast. And yes, I mean really fast. And I know I probably say this every year, but I truly believe that this year has the most music, music videos and albums that have resonated with us as a site…but then again, if we were to revisit years gone past, we may have to revise our lists. Nevertheless, as each year progresses, I am able to appreciate more and more music, and admire and take note of very exquisite videos in the process. So without further ado, here below are 20 music videos that have stood out for us during the first half of the year. What are yours? Let us know in the comments. Til next time!

Continue reading BEST OF 2018- PART 4: Top 20 Music Videos of January – June

Top 10___: Top 40 Funny/Silly/Energetic videos!

There’s a rumour out there that Christians are serious all the time! That we can’t have fun, that we, shudder to think, don’t want to have fun, even if we could. There’s also a misconception among those who are not Christians, that us Christians are boring, not interesting, and we choose to live a life of the mundane, out of duty only, and all because God told us to, not because we want to.

Continue reading Top 10___: Top 40 Funny/Silly/Energetic videos!


If you have been an avid viewer of this site since it’s inception just over 4 years ago, you could say with confidence that apart from Christian music, which I love; TV shows are one of my greatest hobbies/pasttimes- and for better or worse, I’d say you’re probably right.


FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 16 (Casting Crowns by Casting Crowns; and The Struggle by Tenth Avenue North)-When saying ‘yes’ all the time isn’t the American Dream, or any dream for that matter; and how to know when we’re physically and spiritually worn!

You know how a few Flashback Friday blogs ago, I mentioned that ‘…Recently I’ve been feeling tired of late. Physically exhausted, and tired in the sense that at the end of every day, one of the only things I want to do when I arrive home is to go to sleep…’, and you know how I attributed some of that tiredness to busyness in terms of our store gaining more customers due to another café in the centre shutting down for ‘renovations’? Well, let me echo that sentiment once again, because right now is when I reckon I need to share this, because we all are feeling tired and stressed (and we probably won’t feel much better even if we have Swisse!). Right now, I am weary. Right now, I am worn. Right now, I’m feeling like my legs are going to fall off any minute, and right now, I feel as if everything I do apart from the store (inclusive of reviewing and watching TV) is a chore and a burden (not all the time, but some of the time). Where did that feeling stem from though? Let me take you back, back, and back, to a time where we are madly reviewing, madly watching shows, and madly cramming 48 hours’ worth of activity into 24 hours.

Continue reading FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 16 (Casting Crowns by Casting Crowns; and The Struggle by Tenth Avenue North)-When saying ‘yes’ all the time isn’t the American Dream, or any dream for that matter; and how to know when we’re physically and spiritually worn!

FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 15 (Live Like That by Sidewalk Prophets)- The Wide Road or the Narrow Road: which is more satisfying?

Now that we’ve spent the past three blogs (week 12- Hawk Nelson’s Diamonds, week 13- Phil Wickham’s Response and Newsboys’ Born Again, and week 14- Tenth Avenue North’s The Light Meets The Dark) exploring the notion of God’s unconditional love, the fact that to be a Christian all we need to do is believe into the cross and His resurrection, and the concept of most fear originating from a lie that the devil has spoken over us; let me take this ‘mini-series of sorts’ one step further and give you a stark and telling reminder. That the Christian life is not easy. It’s not all flowers, rainbows, candy canes, fairy floss and sunshine! No way, not by a long shot. It’s not like you accept Jesus, and then suddenly life is easier, you have a million friends, and everything works out the way it wants to. It’s more like the opposite. It’s more like- you now follow Jesus, and the devil, using the tools of maybe your deepest material desires, will place a target on your back, that will always be there until the day you die. So, at first glance, yep the Christian life is perhaps morbid, yep it’s way hard, yep it’s challenging, yep sometimes you wonder why you believe in the first place after so many things that you think go wrong actually do; but deep inside all of the seemingly overt discrimination by others that comes with being a firm believer for Christ, is a peace. An eternal peace that surpasses all understanding, and a sense of God’s love over us that cannot be compared to any other earthly thing.

Continue reading FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 15 (Live Like That by Sidewalk Prophets)- The Wide Road or the Narrow Road: which is more satisfying?

FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 14 (The Light Meets The Dark by Tenth Avenue North)- Is Fear really ‘False Evidence Appearing Real’? Is Fear really just a lie?

How many times have we felt out of sorts, felt overwhelmed, or felt like something wasn’t quite right? How many times in our lives have we lost sleep, and woken up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, worrying about the various upcoming events in our lives, in the near or far future, and then analysing every little detail of what could possibly go wrong? How many times have we felt that inexplicable and seemingly inescapable feeling of dread, anxiety, apprehension and sense of uncertainty, sure that nothing on earth can shake our concerns, and sure that we will take our thoughts and feelings to our grave? How many times have we believed things to be true, when we know in our hearts that they aren’t? Is the answer more than 10? More than 100?

Continue reading FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 14 (The Light Meets The Dark by Tenth Avenue North)- Is Fear really ‘False Evidence Appearing Real’? Is Fear really just a lie?

FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 13 (Response by Phil Wickham; and Born Again by Newsboys)- So…now that we know that we are unconditionally loved, what is our response? What does it mean to be ‘born again’?

Last time on Flashback Fridays, I delved into what I reckon is one of today’s most thought about ‘questions’ (it may not even be a question if it is something we’re all not voicing aloud!) of- am I loved, and am I accepted despite everything I have and haven’t done. Linking that back to the unconditional love that Jesus has for us, as evidenced by everything Jesus has done for us, heard in many songs in Diamonds from Hawk Nelson; I reckon that it’s time that this week I expand upon what I believe to be one topic that still needs to be explored more and more.

Continue reading FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 13 (Response by Phil Wickham; and Born Again by Newsboys)- So…now that we know that we are unconditionally loved, what is our response? What does it mean to be ‘born again’?

FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 12 (Diamonds by Hawk Nelson)- Are we truly loved, no matter what? Can we be ‘too far gone’ from unconditional love?

“…So go ahead and live like you’re loved
It’s ok to act like you’ve been set free
His love has made you more than enough
So go ahead and be who he made you to be
And live like you’re loved
Live like you’re loved…”

Hawk Nelson- “Live Like You’re Loved” (Diamonds, 2015)

There’s a question that has been swirling in my mind all of this week, relating to the theme of the previous Flashback Fridays blog. You know how in last week’s blog I spoke about the hard and deep questions that we all need to ask, but sometimes are afraid to, versus the easy and superficial questions that maybe aren’t that necessary, but we ask in abundance anyway? At the end I alluded to the fact that this week I will continue to talk about questions, and maybe certain questions in specific, and that’s exactly what I’m doing. But all throughout this week, though at times I was busy at the café, other times I pondered and reflected, and struggled to come up with a theme of what to talk about this week. Then today it hit me. Why don’t I highlight the question that we’re all inwardly asking ourselves, no matter our gender, race, socioeconomic status, religion, political views etc?

Continue reading FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 12 (Diamonds by Hawk Nelson)- Are we truly loved, no matter what? Can we be ‘too far gone’ from unconditional love?

FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 11 (The Beautiful Letdown by Switchfoot)- Why do we ask so many questions, and what does it mean to be truly human?

Let me ask you a question, before we get into this blog. Before I say something deep and meaningful, before I say something inspiring, and something that will hopefully be impacting in your upcoming week or the upcoming month, the upcoming year, or even the rest of your life. Do you reckon, that as a society, we ask too many questions? I mean let’s be pragmatic, and let’s think about it.

Continue reading FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 11 (The Beautiful Letdown by Switchfoot)- Why do we ask so many questions, and what does it mean to be truly human?


It’s always bittersweet when a lead singer leaves a band, because the band in question is then in a stage of flux, with the remaining members unsure how to move forward, whether they promote a new lead singer from within, get a new voice from outside the band, or just quit all together.