Welcome to the latest instalment of our most recent blog series Top Tens, which is posting roughly every Sunday/Monday, Australian time. However this Christmas holiday season, I am posting a special instalment. Last time we talked about our top ten favourite CCM artist collaborations of 2014! Now we are delving into my personal top ten list of bible verses.
This week on Message Mondays, we will be quickly touching upon something that was discussed in Bible study last night- the topic of how to witness to your non-Christian friends who have blatantly and unequivocally turned away from God.
Last week on Message Mondays, we delved into the themes present in Tenth Avenue North’s new song “No Man Is An Island”, and how God created us for community with him and also with other believers, that we are meant to live life in communion, relationship and fellowship with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ so that we can build each other up and live a live to the fullest and pleasing to God. This week on Message Mondays, we are talking about something I was reminded of in church yesterday, of a concept that I think we all need to understand and realise so that we can live in true freedom in God’s presence and love!
On this week’s Message Mondays post, let me delve into the age old mystery that has racked our brains for all of time. How do we worship, and what constitutes worship? I know, I know, I probably should be reserving this post for a Worship Wednesday post, however I feel like there is a message behind all of the explanations of different kinds of worship, which is why I chose to write this piece today.
Welcome to another Message Monday’s post- this week we will be exploring the notion of asking, seeking and knocking, specifically when it comes to asking our Heavenly Father for the things we need and want.
There comes a point in time when we mustn’t worry about what our own futures, and the future of the world will be like. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t wonder every once in a while and dream about what we’d like to do within a certain time frame, but we must realise that rarely, and I mean rarely, do things ever go to plan. You plan for something, and then life takes you on a detour and you experience something else. You think your life is going to be picture A but then it turns out to be picture B. You start to realise that sometimes thinking about the future can seem futile- because really, why should you plan if things aren’t going to go the way we think?
Welcome to another Message Mondays post (which was originally going to be a Throwback Tuesdays post- funny how God works and what He puts in your heart when you’re typing away!); this week we are delving into the topic of consumerism, trying to build our own kingdoms up, and what the Bible says about that (as a continuation of the TV show review of Selfie, which was about a young woman obsessed with improving her image for self-gain). I’ll also be linking that topic to probably one of the most confronting CCM songs over the past decade- “American Dream” by CCM/pop/rock 7-piece band Casting Crowns.
Welcome to another week, and another Message Mondays/Throwback Tuesdays post. I have decided to put both of these instalments together because it works for the topic I am about to briefly talk about.
So many times in this Futuristic Fridays series I discussed about the future in relation to how it could be if something in this time that we take for granted was taken away from us. From a future without Spotify, Netflix, or even a future without the social relationships needed to function because of increased gaming, or the future of worship and albums with the rise in digital songs, consumerism, the dying out of CD’s and the ease of the consumer to have whatever they want with easy access; this week we tackle something different- how would our futures be if nothing was taken away, but if something was added.
Just today, I was preparing dinner for the bible study group to attend as they come to my house often (once every 2-3 weeks) to learn more about Jesus. While I was cooking dinner, with Pandora from my phone blasting at full volume, one of the songs really spoke to me, which was Jeremy Camp’s “Take You Back”- this was a song that demanded attention, not the half hearted listening while I was cooking. So I listened to the song again later tonight.