Welcome to the latest instalment of our most recent blog series Top Tens, which is posting roughly every Sunday/Monday, Australian time. However this Christmas holiday season, I am posting a special instalment. Last time we talked about our top ten favourite CCM artist collaborations of 2014! Now we are delving into my personal top ten list of bible verses.
What makes a good bible verse? What makes it inspiring and worth paying attention to? Well these verses have over the years encouraged my walk with God, inspired and motivated me, as well as challenging my faith in a good way as I solidify the reason why I love Jesus! While I won’t write any descriptions as to why I love these verses, I will instead link these verses to external sources so that you can all read these verses and be blessed this holiday season!
So without any further ado, I will dive in, and list my choices and you can read and see why I love these verses, and can be inspired and encouraged by them again and again!
So there you have it, my top ten personal favourite bible verses. So, what are yours? Let me know so that we can compare and have a healthy discussion!
Next time we’ll be talking about top ten 90’s CCM songs that are sure to stand the test of time!