My Predictions: 2014/2015 Fall/Midseason TV Network schedule

First of all, let me say this outright that I’m not a very big TV watcher. Though in the past my slate of shows for the summer season and fall season have slowly risen over the past few years, it hasn’t gotten to the point where I can say that I watch every single show … Continue reading My Predictions: 2014/2015 Fall/Midseason TV Network schedule

Emily Kjonaas

EMILY KJONAAS (Reviewer, Interviewer, News Reporter): Name: Emily Year Of Birth: 1990 Likes: listening to music, playing with my dog Weasley, crocheting, watching movies, reading, taking naps, and a lot of other random stuff. Dislikes: Spicy food Hobbies: Work, sleep, eat, repeat. Favourite colour: Blue. Not regular blue, and not sky blue, but the blue of … Continue reading Emily Kjonaas

Joshua Andre

JOSHUA ANDRE (Site Administrator): Name: Joshua Daniel Andre Year Of Birth: 1989 Likes: reviewing Christian music albums, listening to music, watching TV shows, hanging out with friends, spending time with family, playing sports games on Nintendo Wii, watching cricket (live at cricket grounds and on TV), cooking, reading, going to live concerts, making DVD’s via showbiz, playing board games, … Continue reading Joshua Andre