All posts by Josh

FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 16b (The Struggle by Tenth Avenue North)-Why Jesus is the only remedy for our weariness, and how we need to slow down when we feel worn

It’s coming to a point nowadays, since maybe the beginning of the year, that I can confidently say that every day I am perpetually tired (not that it’s a claim I am proud to say, but rather the opposite). Continually worn, continually spent, and feeling older in years than I am right now. Not that there is anything wrong with my job; not by a long shot- but it’s just that right now, circumstances beyond my control have prevented me from living a life that has a perfect work/life balance, and instead have thrusted me into a working environment where I am continually pushed each day, at times beyond my limits, by the workloads and the colourful types of people I meet at the café as well. I’m sure my brother Jon would testify to this sentiment of being constantly tired, as well.

Continue reading FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 16b (The Struggle by Tenth Avenue North)-Why Jesus is the only remedy for our weariness, and how we need to slow down when we feel worn

Top 10___: Top 40 Funny/Silly/Energetic videos!

There’s a rumour out there that Christians are serious all the time! That we can’t have fun, that we, shudder to think, don’t want to have fun, even if we could. There’s also a misconception among those who are not Christians, that us Christians are boring, not interesting, and we choose to live a life of the mundane, out of duty only, and all because God told us to, not because we want to.

Continue reading Top 10___: Top 40 Funny/Silly/Energetic videos!

FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 16a (Casting Crowns by Casting Crowns)- Why reflection is needed in times of busyness!

So I’m back, everyone, after a week off, which was relaxing, rejuvenating and energising, if you wanted to know how the time spent away from Flashback Fridays was. What did I learn throughout the past two weeks, you ask? Well, to keep it brief (and let me tell you that this instalment is a short one, in contrast to the many ‘long-ish’ posts I’ve written prior to this one!), I will just say this- that I have learnt that no more than ever we need to learn to slow down. As a human race (and this is only from what I have observed in my life and the lives of others I come across, so correct me if I’m wrong!), I believe that we think that we will gain more out of our day if we’re spending a short time on one single activity, and we will enjoy our day more if we somehow, in some way, fit more activities in per day. We’re a human race that believes that ‘more is better’ and we believe that perhaps, just perhaps, sleep is overrated.

Continue reading FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 16a (Casting Crowns by Casting Crowns)- Why reflection is needed in times of busyness!