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Momentous Mondays: Influential artists of the next 5-10 years – Week 6: Conrad Sewell

“…Addiction is a very selfish disease that takes hold of you and ruins everything in your life…The people that love you try over and over and over again to change it but they can’t, because you have to come to terms with it yourself, you have to want to change, you have to want to get help, you have to want to talk to someone about it…I was lucky, I had a family that always told me that I could do anything, and the best part about coming here is that I get to tell you guys to believe in yourselves and stuff like that, because it can happen for literally anybody…I’m trying to make wiser decisions, and not make the same mistakes I’ve made in the past, and I think that’s all you can do, just try and be better every day…”

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