Tag Archives: hearts on fire

Throwback Tuesdays and Top Ten: Our Favourite and Most Inspirational Cimorelli Original and Cover songs/videos!

Welcome to the latest instalment of our most recent blog series Top Tens. Last time, we unveiled our top fifteen inspirational U2 songs (in honour of U2’s new album The Joshua Tree (Super Deluxe) releasing this a few weeks ago- which we will review soon!). This time, in the same vein of the U2 post and the Peter Hollens post before that, let me introduce you to another new-ish favourite group of mine- Cimorelli, and post a few videos (from now and a few years earlier!) so that you guys can all experience the awesomeness of the inspiring group of six sisters.

Continue reading Throwback Tuesdays and Top Ten: Our Favourite and Most Inspirational Cimorelli Original and Cover songs/videos!