Wondering why we as a site have been absent lately from continuous blog posting? At various times in the past, I’ve not been that motivated to write for whatever reason. Sometimes it would be a mind blank, which is the primary reason why these last few weeks, there hasn’t been a week where every single blog is uploaded online. This week, there was a different reason for the hesitation of writing, (a blog post after Throwback Tuesdays and before the Sunday News Roundup). An event that united the world, it was not for jovial or happy reasons- for it was because of this pivotal moment in Australian history that encouraged me to discuss this week’s Worship Wednesdays, TV Thursdays and Sentimental Saturdays all in one post. To be honest, this dark and sad week has reminded me of the frailty and shortness of life, and writing my thoughts and feelings in this article will hopefully make sense of what has happened and hopefully allow people to heal in their own way, inclusive of myself. There are weeks that change you and move you to reflect about life, and this was one of them.
Tag Archives: death
Futuristic Fridays And Sentimental Saturdays: Longing For Heaven and Looking Back on the Life We’ve Lived
Most times that we have talked about a Futuristic Friday instalment, we have discussed some aspect of the future that is changing, whether it is in terms of technology, film, TV, events in the world, gadgets, food, politics; and we have discussed these topics in a way that probes and asks questions about the impact on future generations, whether it is positive or negative, but nevertheless pivotal in the coming years to the benefit of our society. And everytime we have delved into a Sentimental Saturdays post, we have looked at things that happened in our personal lives, impacting us to be the person God made us to be today. Different to Throwback Tuesdays in that we haven’t necessarily talked about the popular timeless things of the past, in this post we have delved into our thoughts and feelings when faced with the positive memories of the good things in life. And sometimes we have infused these two blogs together in particular weeks, just because the topic at hand related to both overarching groups.
TV Thursdays: When My Favourite TV Character Dies!
Yep, here we are talking about death again, that’s pretty morbid huh? So why is the topic of death so important that there is another disruption to this intriguing series, of me explaining why non-American shows are just as important and enjoyable as American shows? Doesn’t death happen all the time on TV?
Continue reading TV Thursdays: When My Favourite TV Character Dies!