Most times that we have talked about a Futuristic Friday instalment, we have discussed some aspect of the future that is changing, whether it is in terms of technology, film, TV, events in the world, gadgets, food, politics; and we have discussed these topics in a way that probes and asks questions about the impact on future generations, whether it is positive or negative, but nevertheless pivotal in the coming years to the benefit of our society. And everytime we have delved into a Sentimental Saturdays post, we have looked at things that happened in our personal lives, impacting us to be the person God made us to be today. Different to Throwback Tuesdays in that we haven’t necessarily talked about the popular timeless things of the past, in this post we have delved into our thoughts and feelings when faced with the positive memories of the good things in life. And sometimes we have infused these two blogs together in particular weeks, just because the topic at hand related to both overarching groups.
Now, it’s time for another week of a combined Futuristic Fridays and Sentimental Saturdays post, but instead of looking back at a specific good moment in my life, I will be looking back over our lives in general. And instead of discussing an aspect of the future (TV, film technology, economics, politics, food, gadgets etc) that bears impact on our lives today; I am going to talk about a specific future event that every one of us can look forward to, that has immense ramifications for how we live today. Yep, we are talking about the day we all go to heaven to meet with Jesus, and then nostalgically looking back on our life in general, as we delve into a life lived for God’s purposes and His glory.
Yesterday, I attended a funeral of a family friend (the actual burial at the cemetery)- and this was why I didn’t post anything on the site yesterday- and this morning I attended the memorial service for the same person. The family friend, whom I will not name, was a vibrant, happy and positive person who attended the church I am a part of, faithfully for the last 34 years. He was plagued throughout his life with various physical afflictions and complications (which I feel is not necessary for me to go into great detail of), but up until the last day of his life, the friend, who was loved by many in the church, and will be missed greatly, was very positive and very dedicated to Jesus, despite the tumultuous nature of his life.
In and out of hospital for various reasons, this father figure, brother, husband, son, mentor, elder and respected member in the church, reminded us all, how to live a life pleasing to God, despite negative circumstances. Though his life was cut short dramatically, and we all prayed and would have loved him to be alive for many more years, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is in heaven right now, in the presence of Jesus Christ. In fact, both services yesterday and today were very positive, as the preacher reminded us that this period in time was a time of grief, but of hope as well as we look toward the future, and with an eternal perspective.
So how does this sobering experience affect my perspective on how we live our lives as people and as Christians who focus on our relationship with Jesus Christ? Well this to me gives me resolve to live for actively for Christ, and stand for what I believe in a bit more. Not that that’s not what I have been doing, but seeing the positive and encouraging words spoken at the funeral and memorial service, made me realise how important being a Christian is in a world that is full of darkness. The world needs Jesus, and from this particular life alone, he touched many, and permeated many spheres of influence, including his work as a bus driver, and the hospital that he stayed at. Considering that he was suffering from illnesses most of his life, how much more would he have impacted the world if he was healthy?
And that gives me determination and reassurance for me and I’m sure everyone else. If we truly believe we are Christians, we need to act like it, and be the hands and feet of Jesus for everyone who don’t have a voice for one reason or another. Taking our family friend who tragically passed away as an example, we should all strive to be like him in terms of attitude and outlook. He wasn’t fazed by his illness, but rather took it in his stride and always trusted God. When you’ve seen a funeral, your perspective changes quite a lot. And that’s what has happened over the last few days. I have since decided that looking back over my life, I would want to make a more active stand for Jesus, when it comes to shining a light for him, and showing His love to everyone I meet. And I would like to actively look toward heaven, and be reminded of the eternal prize, in the coming weeks, months and years. Because whenever I struggle in anything, all I need to do is look at my friend’s life as a testimony, and then look to Jesus and the amazing eternal gift which is heaven.
How did you react when a family member or close friend pass away? Remember, Jesus is with us, and He is the one who can comfort, and heal us of the pain and our sadness. When we fix our eyes on Jesus, and remember that heaven is the eternal prize that we can confidently claim as our own; then life starts to take on a whole new meaning. Sure the pain of losing someone hurts, but with God with us when we grieve, and process, the meaning and purpose of life is a whole lot more clearly.
Below is a few songs that will encourage you in your walk with God, as you remember that this life is not the end, that in while we will see Jesus and our family and friends again!