Wondering why we as a site have been absent lately from continuous blog posting? At various times in the past, I’ve not been that motivated to write for whatever reason. Sometimes it would be a mind blank, which is the primary reason why these last few weeks, there hasn’t been a week where every single blog is uploaded online. This week, there was a different reason for the hesitation of writing, (a blog post after Throwback Tuesdays and before the Sunday News Roundup). An event that united the world, it was not for jovial or happy reasons- for it was because of this pivotal moment in Australian history that encouraged me to discuss this week’s Worship Wednesdays, TV Thursdays and Sentimental Saturdays all in one post. To be honest, this dark and sad week has reminded me of the frailty and shortness of life, and writing my thoughts and feelings in this article will hopefully make sense of what has happened and hopefully allow people to heal in their own way, inclusive of myself. There are weeks that change you and move you to reflect about life, and this was one of them.
Tag Archives: australia
Top 10 ___: Top Ten Most Enjoyable Australian ODI Batting Performances Of The Past 10 Years!
Welcome to the latest instalment of our most recent blog series Top Tens, which is posting roughly every Sunday/Monday, Australian time. Last week we talked about our top 10 favourite bowling performances of Australians in test cricket matches over the past 10 years. This week and the next 3 weeks of ‘top tens’ will be cricket-related as well as I mention about top 10 ODI batting performances by Australians, then fielding for ODI’s and the same (batting and fielding) for T20 Internationals’!
Top 10 ___: Top Ten Most Enjoyable Australian Test Bowling Performances Of The Past 10 Years!
Welcome to the latest instalment of our most recent blog series Top Tens, which is posting roughly every Sunday, Australian time. Last week we talked about our top 10 favourite batting performances of Australians in test cricket matches over the past 10 years. Not sure of the rules of cricket? Read the first top 10’s blog about cricket here!
Top 10 ___: Top Ten Most Enjoyable Australian Batting Test Performances Of The Past 10 Years!
Welcome to the latest instalment of our most recent blog series Top Tens, which is posting roughly every Sunday, Australian time. Last week we talked about our top 10 original Christmas melodies, and over the next few weeks, we’ll be delving into my favourite sport- cricket!