FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 15 (Live Like That by Sidewalk Prophets)- The Wide Road or the Narrow Road: which is more satisfying?

Now that we’ve spent the past three blogs (week 12- Hawk Nelson’s Diamonds, week 13- Phil Wickham’s Response and Newsboys’ Born Again, and week 14- Tenth Avenue North’s The Light Meets The Dark) exploring the notion of God’s unconditional love, the fact that to be a Christian all we need to do is believe into the cross and His resurrection, and the concept of most fear originating from a lie that the devil has spoken over us; let me take this ‘mini-series of sorts’ one step further and give you a stark and telling reminder. That the Christian life is not easy. It’s not all flowers, rainbows, candy canes, fairy floss and sunshine! No way, not by a long shot. It’s not like you accept Jesus, and then suddenly life is easier, you have a million friends, and everything works out the way it wants to. It’s more like the opposite. It’s more like- you now follow Jesus, and the devil, using the tools of maybe your deepest material desires, will place a target on your back, that will always be there until the day you die. So, at first glance, yep the Christian life is perhaps morbid, yep it’s way hard, yep it’s challenging, yep sometimes you wonder why you believe in the first place after so many things that you think go wrong actually do; but deep inside all of the seemingly overt discrimination by others that comes with being a firm believer for Christ, is a peace. An eternal peace that surpasses all understanding, and a sense of God’s love over us that cannot be compared to any other earthly thing.

Continue reading FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 15 (Live Like That by Sidewalk Prophets)- The Wide Road or the Narrow Road: which is more satisfying?

FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 14 (The Light Meets The Dark by Tenth Avenue North)- Is Fear really ‘False Evidence Appearing Real’? Is Fear really just a lie?

How many times have we felt out of sorts, felt overwhelmed, or felt like something wasn’t quite right? How many times in our lives have we lost sleep, and woken up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, worrying about the various upcoming events in our lives, in the near or far future, and then analysing every little detail of what could possibly go wrong? How many times have we felt that inexplicable and seemingly inescapable feeling of dread, anxiety, apprehension and sense of uncertainty, sure that nothing on earth can shake our concerns, and sure that we will take our thoughts and feelings to our grave? How many times have we believed things to be true, when we know in our hearts that they aren’t? Is the answer more than 10? More than 100?

Continue reading FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 14 (The Light Meets The Dark by Tenth Avenue North)- Is Fear really ‘False Evidence Appearing Real’? Is Fear really just a lie?

My Ideal WOW Hits Tracklists: Post 1- WOW Hits 2009

If you have been a fan of this site for the past while, or even if you have been just perusing, you may have noticed quite a number of WOW Hits predictions (around 4 or 5 or so) at strategic points during the year for a particular installment. While these days now it seems that the WOW Hits brand may be a bit redundant, every year it’s still half the fun guessing which songs make the cut and which songs meet the cut. Because there is only space for 39 songs on each WOW Hits (maybe even less on previous years, especially in the 2000’s when there weren’t any bonus deluxe editions!), it’s understandable when certain hit songs are omitted for whatever reason.

Continue reading My Ideal WOW Hits Tracklists: Post 1- WOW Hits 2009

FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 13 (Response by Phil Wickham; and Born Again by Newsboys)- So…now that we know that we are unconditionally loved, what is our response? What does it mean to be ‘born again’?

Last time on Flashback Fridays, I delved into what I reckon is one of today’s most thought about ‘questions’ (it may not even be a question if it is something we’re all not voicing aloud!) of- am I loved, and am I accepted despite everything I have and haven’t done. Linking that back to the unconditional love that Jesus has for us, as evidenced by everything Jesus has done for us, heard in many songs in Diamonds from Hawk Nelson; I reckon that it’s time that this week I expand upon what I believe to be one topic that still needs to be explored more and more.

Continue reading FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 13 (Response by Phil Wickham; and Born Again by Newsboys)- So…now that we know that we are unconditionally loved, what is our response? What does it mean to be ‘born again’?

One Sonic Society – Great Is Thy Faithfulness [Beginning To End] (Single)

Provident Label Group

Release Date: April 20th 2018

Reviewed by: Joshua Andre

One Sonic Society– Great Is Thy Faithfulness [Beginning To End] (feat. Mike Weaver) (Single) (Amazon mp3/iTunes)

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Music and Entertainment Blogs with a Motivational and Moving Message For All Days Of The Year