All posts by Josh


If you have been an avid fan of this site, you probably would have noticed that we have posted many WOW Hits predictions at strategic points during the year for a particular installment. Up until now, we’ve only done so for CD’s (we’ve done so previously for WOW Hits 2009WOW Hits 2013WOW Hits 2004 and WOW Hits 2011!), so this time I thought I would change it up and write my ‘fantasy’ list for a WOW Hits DVD.

Since 2012 there haven’t been any WOW Hits DVD’s released at all (instead there are youtube playlists)- so this ‘WOW Hits DVD’ I am writing a fantasy list for doesn’t exist at all. Not on the internet… but I guess it’s fun to think about what could have been on a WOW Hits DVD post 2012 if they did make one. Anyway, so without further ado, here’s my own list for WOW Hits 2019 DVD! Enjoy reading, and coming up with your own ‘official lists’!


FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 21 (All Things New by Steven Curtis Chapman)- Why death can be just around the corner, and why we need to live life as if every day is our last day on earth!

Hands up how many of you have had a family member or close friend pass away suddenly or had a terminal illness or a freak accident, within your lifetime? Is that everybody? I mean, is that everybody in the whole wide world? Yep, I think I can see every single hand raised… But I mean seriously, death is something that we know is happening (though we may not know when!); and that we know for certain is around the corner, whether we like it or not. The saying goes that ‘two things are certain- death and taxes’; and society is right on that front. Because no one knows the day or the hour that each one of us leaves this earth. It may be in 80 or 90 years, or it could be, shudder to think…tomorrow. And for me personally, I have seen the effects of loved ones, friends and acquaintances, people that I know, or knew of, dying; and boy, it ain’t pretty.

Continue reading FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 21 (All Things New by Steven Curtis Chapman)- Why death can be just around the corner, and why we need to live life as if every day is our last day on earth!

Cimorelli (Katherine Cimorelli)

I recently had the privilege of interviewing pop vocal group Cimorelli, comprised of siblings Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Lauren and Danielle; via email as they unveil their newest release I Love You Or Whatever EP just this past week. We discussed the album, what the band wants listeners to hear and gain from these honest and inspiring melodies, as well as their favourite songs to record. Check out the interview below with Katherine Cimorelli (third from left in the above picture), and be sure to check out the new album on iTunes and on Spotify.

Continue reading Cimorelli (Katherine Cimorelli)