I know it’s been a while since 365 Days of Inspiring Media has posted any blogs within the last few months. The reason in itself will have to be reserved for another blog entirely, but let me say this. 2014 was an eventful year for myself- receiving my first full time paying job, starting up a website and everything else that comes with just growing up and being given responsibilities that come with the territory of stepping up and working in a job that I myself didn’t see myself in a year ago today. So what does 2015 hold for me? Personally, I’m not sure. Aside from work, very little free time, and the fact that I’m working in my family in a role that I’m thoroughly enjoying; life is good. And in this Message Mondays post, I’m discussing about Matthew West’s new song “Day One”, and that whatever state we are in at the beginning of the year doesn’t need to be defining of that year itself. That every day is a chance to wake up to a new day and start again, however in a rut we may be in.
One of my favourite CCM songwriters/singers, Matthew West released his first single “Day One” from his upcoming April album Live Forever on January 13th 2015. And though the song can seem cliché with the theme of starting over and 2015 being ‘day one of the rest of your life’; the truth and the application of the theme in everyday can seem far from typical and cliché. Let me put this to you- how many of you feel like you need to have a chance to have a do-over? A total redo- because maybe you cheated off a test the first time round, or didn’t tell a girl you have a crush on her, or maybe you said something to someone that made you lose your best friend to oblivion. Whatever the case may be, I guarantee you that everyone (me included) probably wishes that there was a moment in our lives where we could go back and redo. Because honestly- no one is perfect. We all stuff up and make mistakes, which brings me to Matthew’s theme of starting over.
As Christians we are reminded everyday through God’s Word and the people around us that we have a daily choice- and a personal one- to start over and have a clean slate. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is yet to come. Sure, yesterday’s choices will affect tomorrow’s outcomes, but that shouldn’t spoil the moment which is today. And as Matthew speaks about himself, ‘…my prayer with this song and with the stories that we’re gonna tell that help illustrate this song, is just a reminder that no matter where you are, in the story of your life right now, no matter how stuck you might have felt, no matter what 2014 signified for you in your life, whatever struggles you were facing, whatever guilt you were wrestling with or being defeated by; today’s a new day. And tomorrow, guess what, it’s a new day too…’
This does not mean that what we do will not have ramifications to where we end up. But the revelation that I have found that I can and ought to start over weekly, or even daily, frees me up to believe that what I do and where I am doesn’t really matter in the scheme of things- that what I believe about who I am in Christ, and what I believe in whether I myself am worthy enough to live each day to the fullest in Christ, are far more important things to ponder. Day One is love unconditional- that whatever we have done prior doesn’t affect the love poured out and acceptance freely given by both our heavenly and earthly family. While what we do, good or bad, isn’t forgotten by ourselves, it certainly ought not to be a stronghold used against us, which is exactly something to rejoice over as we embrace day 1 for us and see what 2015 has in store for each of us, knowing full well that Christ holds it all and has plans for us that we can’t possibly see or even dream about.
Maybe your 2014 was good. Maybe it was bad. Maybe it was one of the most memorable or even forgettable. And while it’s already mid-January, what this means is that there’s 11½ more months to go. 11½ months of feeling that what we do shouldn’t define our self-worth, but rather the love our family, friends and God give us, simply because of who we are rather than what we do; should be our compass. January 19th is day one. January 20th is day one. Each day is another chance to believe and step into the promise that every morning, God’s mercies are new. That we can declare wholeheartedly about what God has given to us and just enjoy today, rather than stressing over yesterday’s decisions and worrying about tomorrow’s potential calamities. Focusing on today and giving it 100% is the best way to be, when we know the true reality- that we don’t have to strive, nor do we have to believe everything said about us.
Just like “No Man Is an Island” and how it was defining for anyone who heard it that no one should live life alone, “Day One” is similar, as the song reminds us of how we can start again and again each day and have no shame or guilt about that. Whether we have no regrets or have tons, what we all have is a second chance- tomorrow. That what wasn’t accomplished today can be visited tomorrow and that is ok.
How has “Day One” spoken to you today? Below are the lyric video and the story behind the song. Listen and share in the comments about your own “day one” moment, and what you think God is imparting to you today. Be sure to catch Matthew’s new album Live Forever this April. Enjoy listening to the song, til next time.