I know it’s been a while since 365 Days of Inspiring Media has posted any blogs within the last few months. The reason in itself will have to be reserved for another blog entirely, but let me say this. 2014 was an eventful year for myself- receiving my first full time paying job, starting up a website and everything else that comes with just growing up and being given responsibilities that come with the territory of stepping up and working in a job that I myself didn’t see myself in a year ago today. So what does 2015 hold for me? Personally, I’m not sure. Aside from work, very little free time, and the fact that I’m working in my family in a role that I’m thoroughly enjoying; life is good. And in this Message Mondays post, I’m discussing about Matthew West’s new song “Day One”, and that whatever state we are in at the beginning of the year doesn’t need to be defining of that year itself. That every day is a chance to wake up to a new day and start again, however in a rut we may be in.