Hi guys, July is here. Well, we’re 5 days into July (4 if you’re living in the U.S.), so let me all give you a 4th July present! What is it, you say? Well, it’s time to announce the 20 songs of this quarter which have impacted us the most, and have impacted our walk with Jesus significantly! So without further ado, here are 20 songs that are our most favourite of April-June 2019.
Greater Than All My Regrets (Tenth Avenue North)
The Search (NF)
You Cannot Be Stopped (Phil Wickham and Chris Quilala)
Fear No More (Building 429)
The Lord’s Prayer (Citizen Way)
Rescue Story (Zach Williams)
Anchor (Skillet)
Choir (Guy Sebastian)
Endless (Shae Wilbur)
Forever And Always (The Afters)
Order Disorder Reorder (Jason Gray)
Speak To Me (For All Seasons)
Tell Somebody (Danny Gokey)
Testify (Social Club Misfits)
Out Of My Hands (Mallary Hope)
Worth Fighting For (Newsboys)
Your Name Is Power (Rend Collective)
Dead Man Walking (Jeremy Camp)
Bigger Than I Thought (Sean Curran)
Autobiography (Stars Go Dim)
So there it is, my favourite 20 songs within the period of April-June 2019. What are yours? Let us know in the comments. Til next time!