When both Jon and I were younger, the only music artists listened to Carman and Delirious?. I think I’ve mentioned this before in previous blogs and posts, and it may sound like a broken record. But Jon and I were sheltered growing up because we were born premature. Mum and Dad fussed over us like nobody’s business, and while I’m not complaining; I am indeed cognisant and fully conscious and aware of the fact that both Jon and I didn’t really have typical childhoods. We didn’t go to pre-school, we didn’t hang out with the other children around the neighbourhood, we were pretty homely people, and we were very selective in the music we listened to. Well, we weren’t selective, but our parents were. Carman and Delirious? was our musical diet and we were none the wiser. Not that that was bad by any means. However we soon branched into more and more Christian music in 2006, and later on we listened to mainstream music on the radio and then on a more regular basis in 2019 when Jon and I started blogging about influential artists. So thus, as a consequence, we weren’t one of those children who had a rebellious teenage phase of listening to ‘unwholesome mainstream music’ in order to rebel against our parents. In terms of coming into the whole experience of listening to mainstream music quite late in our years; both Jon and I gravitated to country music and pop music predominately. And thus, this meant that rock music wasn’t the genre we gravitated to. It still isn’t. I’ve heard stories from people on the internet as well as friends, how they disobeyed their parents when they were teenagers and listened to hard core rock artists like Kiss, Nirvana, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, The Who, The Smiths, Midnight Oil, Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, and Guns N’ Roses to name a few (none are present within our many blog series!); while they might have seen a concert or two that their parents disapproved of. Compared to these ‘out-there’ tales, Jon’s and my childhood was pretty tame; and we had no inkling of listening to any of these rock artists. Partly because we weren’t in the know. Yet fast forward until now; and a deep analysis of what we’ve written about so far of rock artists in our blog series (artists not necessarily within our preferred genre) reveals some of the most popular and influential rock artists of all time. We’ve tackled some incredible heavyweights; and writing about influential artists will always be an honour- even now as we write about iconic and identity-building artists.