I’ve been thinking about a weighty concept of late. I’m not sure what it is that prompted me to dwell on such a heavy topic, but…here goes. So; if the only way to empathise with someone is to imagine yourself in their shoes, well howabout I ask you all to close your eyes for a moment. Now let’s imagine. Let’s conduct a little hypothetical exercise, and put ourselves in the shoes of a murderer or a liar or a cheater. Is that a bit of a stretch? Yes? Ok, so now howabout we imagine ourselves to be…someone who’s a bit less evil-y. Maybe someone who is prideful, lustful, egocentric, narcissistic or the littlest bit envious. Now then…let us imagine that we are at the end of our rope, wanting to change, wanting to become a better person, if not for ourselves then for our family and friends. Yet we do not know how to change. Do you think such a person realistically exists? Someone on the cusp of changing for the better, but not there yet? If we’ve been brought up a certain way, and then find out we don’t like the way we’ve lived previously, can we change? Even if we have the capacity to, does making a complete 180 degree change make sense, and is the cost of losing our worldly relationships worth it, or too great? The world may say that what you are right now, and what you’ve grown up as, is what you are for eternity, and there is no room or margin for alteration; as in there is nothing in the world that can make you, or persuade you to change your behaviour, or change the reason for your behaviour. But is that really the case? Can a person who has made bad choices really change for the better? Can they be an inspiration to others and provide hope and encouragement, even when they still struggle with their demons and their better judgement?
Tag Archives: chain breaker
FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: WEEK 29 (Chain Breaker by Zach Williams, and The Things We’ve Been Afraid To Say by Tenth Avenue North)- What Halloween shows us about fear, and how we can overcome being fearful!
Right now as I am sitting down writing this blog, it’s a Wednesday morning on my day off, and it’s the 31st October 2018. Tonight, as is the case every year around this time, children will come knocking at the door of my house (well, not really my house, but my family’s house, but anyway…) asking for lollies and chocolates. Kids as young as 5 and as old as 18. Around the hours of 5:30pm til about 10pm. Yep, that early, and yep, that late. Asking for sweets, while all of them belting out ‘trick or treat’ when we come to the door. Every year Mum, Dad and Jon try to be out on Halloween (mostly eating out for dinner!)- and maybe it’s because this is the holiday that gets to me the most. Because that phrase of ‘trick or treat’ has sometimes puzzled me, but I reckon now is the right time for me to dive deep into this concept of Halloween, and why people do celebrate such a holiday.
Zach Williams – Chain Breaker
Provident Label Group
Release Date: December 16th 2016 (Digital)/January 27th 2017 (CD Release)
Reviewed by: Jonathan Andre
Zach Williams– Chain Breaker (iTunes/Amazon mp3)