How many of you like fame and adulation? Everyone? No one? Did anyone put up their hand just then? Or howabout I ask this question? Does everyone like to be told ‘well done’? Are we searching and searching, looking through the status, the fame, and friendship with others just to find out that what we’re really searching for us someone or even something to love and accept us the way that we are, and believe that the way that we are, as screwed up and messy as it can be, isn’t the way that we are going to stay? I know that question sounds like a mouthful, but just think about it for a moment. Are we living our lives in the moment, or thinking about the future? Are we focussing on our own needs (which includes the fame and adulation mind you) or are we focussing on others and what they would like to see happen in their lives? The title of the blog really hits home to me- not to us but to Your name be the glory. Have I really been living that out? If worship is a lifestyle as we have established previously, then are we really truly living as though we are not here to glorify ourselves in every aspect of our lives, but to glorify the One who gave us life and holds our thoughts, dreams, hopes, fears, despairs and everything else in His hands?