We all have a story to tell. Whether it is about love and loss, about triumph, hurt, betrayal, happiness, hope, disaster and everything else in between, we all have a story, either painful or hopeful, that we can tell, either as a warning to others, or as a testimony, of the good things that have happened in our lives thus far. It is whether we tell it or not that is a different story. We see people on television sharing what they have with others, whether it is through song, spoken word, film, through science, arts and the humanities. We sit and wonder to ourselves- do I have a story worth telling? Because the question of all questions is this- it’s not that we believe our stories are not worth telling to the world, it’s because we think they are, that we can sometimes stop in hesitation. What happens after? After people know our deepest parts of us? Would we become fame-hungry? Would people look at us differently? Will we still stand for our values and core truths, regardless of what people may think? These are all valid questions, and are all motivators behind whether we believe our story is worth being told, if not to the whole world, at least to the people around us, those who influence and impact our lives the most.
Continue reading Message Mondays and Throwback Tuesdays: What are Your Untold Stories?