Have you ever stopped and sat and tried to think about all of the jobs/occupations you wanted to be when you were older? I bet if you counted the number of positions you wanted to work as, they’d amount to maybe more than the number of fingers/toes you have…on both of your hands/feet! I certainly know, that at various stages of my life, that I have thought about what I wanted to work as when I ‘grew up’. At times, I wanted to be a farmer (when I was in kindergarten, and loved drawing animals!), at other times a writer (when 10 years ago, my brother and I started writing our own autobiography, which is currently put on hold, and may forever be!); and never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would be working in a café, that my parents, brother and myself own. It was certainly out of left field, not in a good or bad way, but in a different way. The point is that even I had a few inklings of what I wanted to be, and what I am doing now work-wise isn’t where I thought I’d end up- in the same way, I’m sure you all have goals, dreams, plans to do great things. Plans to change the world. Sometimes though, we may try our hand at being ‘famous’ in order for us to show the world what we’ve got, and hence get people to like us.