I love worship music. If I analyse myself carefully, I can say that the one ‘style’- if you will- of music that I am always consistently pleased about and enjoy on a regular basis is music that is of a worshipful atmosphere. That’s not to say that CCM, pop and rock music aren’t great, but if I were to pick one music style to listen to from here on, I’d pick worship. With so many artists providing us with great songs for the church and songs for personal reflection and praise, from Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, Crowder, All Sons and Daughters, and Gungor, to John Mark McMillan, Phil Wickham, Jesus Culture, Tim Hughes and Hillsong; worship, the genre of worship, and the whole atmosphere of worship music and the marketability of it towards younger generations, is always changing, forever reminding us of the wide variety of views and attitudes to worship music, and what it considered to be good, bad, unique or even terrible worship music to begin with.