Integrity Music
Release Date: February 21st 2020
Reviewed by: Jonathan Andre
Lincoln Brewster – Who Am I (Single) (Amazon mp3/iTunes)
Track Listing:
- Who Am I?
Lincoln Brewster is one of my favourite worship leaders, and worship artists. Maybe within the top 5 ever. There. Period. Maybe up with others like Paul Baloche, Tim Hughes, Meredith Andrews and Phil Wickham to round out the top 5 favourite worship artists of all time (solo artists that is, with worship band Delirious? being my favourite worship band ever!)… so sorry Chris Tomlin, Lincoln just nudges you out… no seriously, Lincoln’s worship is certainly underrated. Possibly one of the most energetic and enthusiastic guitarists around ever, surpassed only by Stu G., guitarist of Delirious? Lincoln’s passion for worship is shown in any album he records. Though he’s been around the music industry delivering worship songs for a while; Lincoln’s passion for worship and his heart to create and present to us heartfelt songs that stir up a passion for worship, has never wavered. Known for his church and radio favourites, from ‘Today is the Day’, ‘There is Power’ and ‘God You Reign’, to ‘Let the Praises Ring’, ‘Sinking Ships’, ‘Oxygen’, ‘Made New’ and ‘Majestic’, even his more recent songs from his most recent studio album God of the Impossible– ‘Here I Am’, ‘No One Like Our God’ and ‘Everything’, to name a few; much of Lincoln’s music catalogue are both catchy and heartfelt, alongside it being grounded in biblical scripture and the Word of God. And while I reckon that is what all music for the church should be, grounded in the Word, sometimes we get some songs that are just a little bit more theologically firm than others. Not to have an attack on worship music in general, it’s just that Lincoln and his music has always been special for myself and my own spiritual growth. Since walking away from a mainstream music career when he was young in his twenties, Lincoln has since proven to be a reliable worship artist, as we see time and time again, songs that tug at the heart and challenge the listener in their own walk with Christ. Now we are here in the beginning of 2020, and what do we have? Yes, another new song by Lincoln, aptly titled ‘Who Am I?’.
The song itself speaks to God’s omnipresence and omnipotence; and reminds us all that God wants to meet us where we’re at. We don’t have to change for God to come to us, it is in our dirt and muck that God relates to us and reminds us that He loves and accepts us because of who He is and what He knows we can and will become; it is not our doing, but rather, just who He is as God. The song is a gentle encouragement that God is constantly pursuing us and wanting to have an unconditional love relationship with us, without condemnation or condition. The lyrics of the chorus certainly hit home for me, and really remind us of God’s bigness and our smallness, and God’s longing for intimacy in that even though He’s this big God, He still wants to be atuned and acquainted with our lives on a personal level- ‘…who am I that you would think of me, among the million stars shining in the night? Who am I that You would call me Yours and offer up Your all just to save my life?…’ As Lincoln himself unveils his own musings about the song in general, we understand on a deeper level of the amazing qualities of God, period- ‘…I’m amazed that God, in all of his infinite bigness, would see us in our infinite smalless. Many times, I’m so in touch with my imperfections, failings, and shortcomings that it’s hard for me to grasp the idea of how God can love me the way that He does. This song is about asking that question, “Who am I? That you would think of me among a million stars.” But also embracing the truth that in spite of God being the creator of the universe, He sees me as if I was the only person that ever existed and loves me without condition. I’ve never been forgotten or unwanted and I have confidence that I am truly loved by God. We are accepted for who we are and where we’re at by the creator of the universe and even though we don’t deserve it He chooses to love us anyway…’
If I have discussed this fact in a roundabout way but never hit the hammer on the head, let me do so now- Lincoln Brewster is a fantastic worship leader with an immense and prolific electric guitar skill that makes his ability to transform worship songs akin to how Stu G. enhances every Delirious? and One Sonic Society track he is on. Giving us equal amounts of enthusiasm, emotion, heart, passion, poignancy and worshipfulness throughout his songs over the years, this is certainly true for ‘Who Am I?’- well worth the couple of years wait, and a great follow-up theologically and enthusiastically to songs like ‘Everything’, ‘While I Wait’ and the powerful and voice-less ‘Relativity’. Lincoln’s passion for music and worship has never faded, resulting in a song that’s certain to hit the Sunday morning church service song setllists in weeks and months to come. Well done Lincoln for this encouraging melody, looking forward to the full-length album releasing later on in 2020- if it’s anything like this song at all, then it’s certainly going to be a good one, whenever it arises.
Score: 4.5/5
RIYL: Chris Tomlin, Chris Quilala, Phil Wickham, Paul Baloche