Welcome to another Throwback Tuesdays post- this week we are delving into one of Brooke Fraser’s most popular and enjoyable singles- “Shadowfeet” from her 2006 album Albertine.
A strong believer in Jesus Christ, the New Zealand pop/folk singer/songwriter has never been one to be placed in a box lyrically, and it shows with her entire discography, as Brooke has recorded many of thought provoking and powerful melodies about the deeper issues in life, not just about Jesus. Sometimes singing covertly about Jesus, and at other times about other things in life, Brooke has found that her calling and her ministry is to the mainstream media industry, even though she appeared in the Hillsong live and studio albums for a little while (she still writes for them, and has written hits like “You’ll Come”, “Hosanna”, “Desert Song” and “None But Jesus” to name a few). Brooke still writes for Hillsong, and that’s pretty cool.
Having released 3 albums (What To Do With Daylight in 2003, Albertine in 2006 and Flags in 2010), Brooke is gearing up for her new album Brutal Romantic releasing to stores in November. So it’s perfect timing for me to look back on her respected career thus far and remind myself as to why I love her songwriting and singing!
“Shadowfeet” is one of the more overtly Christian themed melodies Brooke has ever recorded- and maybe that’s why I love the song so much! Driven by stirring keys, and also by powerful electric guitars as the song progresses into a full-fledged worship anthem; this mid tempo pop ballad speaks about Jesus being constant and faithful in our lives, and that ‘…when the sky rolls up and the mountains fall on their knees, when time and space are through, I’ll be found in You…’, an assertion that is very comforting to us. As Brooke fervently reminds us that Jesus is our Everything, I always find myself coming back to this song time and time again, whenever I’m in need of encouragement, reassurance and inspiration. I’m sure this song has impacted many others as well.
Though it’s most likely that Brutal Romantic will have not that much overt or even covert Christian themed songs, there’s no doubting Brooke’s heart and love for Jesus. Maybe in the next few years Brooke could release a worship album, however for now, let’s just sit back and dwell upon the prowess of Brooke’s songwriting, count down the days til Brutal Romantic drops, and watch this video below, of Brooke singing “Shadowfeet” (or here, if you can’t see the youtube link, like myself….)! Be amazed, be inspired, and be motivated to live for Christ!
It was Shadowfeet that made me know about Brooke Fraser and then I started digging up for the other songs she had sung. It’s funny how I thought of listening to Love, Where is Your Fire? from the same album just now.
Sometimes, I find myself continuously hoping and praying that Brooke returns to singing worship music, though I think she co-wrote a few songs on Hillsong’s No Other Name album which perhaps look like a sign that she will be getting back to worship.
Yeah, she did write a few songs on No Other Name- “Our Father” and “Depths”! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Other_Name
I think her solo stuff is more directed to the mainstream industry, but I hope, like you, that more and more Christian themed or at least spiritual themed songs appear on her upcoming albums.
I guess we’ll know more when we listen to the new album Brutal Romantic…
I guess we’ll have to keep our fingers crossed then. 🙂