Finale week just ended this past week, with around 70% or 75% of our beloved and well respected network TV shows broadcasting their finale episodes (either as a season or a series finale). While some endings were neat, tidy and seemingly perfect in case of a cancellation (take About a Boy’s season finale as a prime example), others had cliffhanger ones, in anticipation of a new season (some shows sadly didn’t see it to next season, from shows like The Tomorrow People, Community and Revolution, to Suburgatory, Growing Up Fisher, Trophy Wife and Almost Human).
Many of my own personal favourite shows such as Once Upon A Time, Castle, Person Of Interest, The Blacklist, Agents Of Shield, Arrow and Hart of Dixie have all said their goodbyes for this season, finishing off strong, and tying most storylines in a bow, yet also leaving some wiggle room and new twists for the upcoming season starting in September/October.
For many of us who were amazed and sometimes frustrated by the events in many finales, with the 4 month wait until the new season being very painful and long; we may wonder how this past week could have been more suspenseful. Well… if you thought that this past week was excruciating and suspenseful, with over 30 finales airing over 7 days; it’s even more so when new schedules are releasing for the subsequent season during the same week as finales (some of us may even be shaking our heads and fists at the TV or computer because of this plotline or that). It’s also an exciting time where we speculate and think like the boss of a network, offering up our own ‘fantasy’ schedules for the next TV season, some of which can be spot-on correct, but some also dead wrong.
Probably one of the many weeks of the year where it can be a stressful, yet enjoyable time for many avid and devoted TV watchers and novice TV reviewers like myself; it is mainly because of the combination of jaw dropping and intense finales and the new schedules for the next season, that are basically the highlights of this week (apart from the 2014 Federal Budget in Australia, but let me get back on track…).
Last week, I uploaded a comprehensive set of predictions as to what I believed each of the 5 networks (FOX, the CW, NBC, ABC and CBS) would unveil come schedule week for the television season of 2014/15. Now that each of these 5 channels have released their schedules, with some choices being expected and some less so; the most logical thing for me would be to take a quick look and analyse each of the channels, in light of their competition at any particular time, the ‘death slots’ for each channel, each show’s episode order size, and comparing shows in the fall v the midseason. So let’s dive into everything, shall we, as we discuss the absurdity of some timeslots of new shows, as well as the genius of the scheduling of others!
So who’s eager to find out my opinions about the official 2014/2015 schedule? Who wants to know briefly why I think the networks chose the timeslots for the certain shows that they did? Read on the next few pages to find out!