365 Days of Inspiring Media’s Welcome Post!


Welcome everyone! Want to see what this site is about? Look no further, and read below!

First of all, thank you for coming to this blog. You’re obviously interested in reading some reviews, or maybe you’ve stumbled upon this site from a recommendation from my facebook or twitter (or someone else’s social media post), or from a friend who’s shared a link of this site. You may want to view this site, for the following reasons, and more.

  • Maybe you need to buy a CD for a present, and you’re not sure you should buy an album from House Of Heroes or Skillet for your friend’s birthday.
  • You might want to know if Arrow on CW is worth watching or if you’d rather gain more out of the Blacklist, as these shows are some of the most talked about this TV season.
  • You may be feeling down, discouraged, and need some inspiration from the Bible.
  • Maybe you’d like to read another opinion piece about a movie or a book, or perhaps you want a different point of view on a current issue in today’s society to mull over and ponder.
  • You might have missed the TobyMac/Lecrae/Skillet concert and maybe you’d want read about and know how that was like.
  • You miss my posts on tumblr, and have wondered where I was.

If you have said agreed with all of these above points (well maybe not all of them in the correct wording, but altered to fit your circumstance!), then you’ve certainly come to the right place! And you’ve certainly come at the right time as today’s the launch day of this site! And as you can read in our comments policy, disclosure policy and privacy policy; we are all inclusive here, and not condemning or intentionally attacking, so if you haven’t had a read of all of those policies and you want to know what they all mean, then you can read them here.

So how did this site come about, you ask? Well for those of you who don’t know, my name is Joshua Andre, and I was a reviewer/news reporter/interviewer for Christian Music Zine (you can view my posts here) and I loved every minute of it. My love for all things CCM resulted in countless album reviews, many interviews with some of my favourite music artists, as well as a few concert reviews from artists who have sung in Australian shows! If you’ve followed my CMZ journey on twitter or facebook, then you also probably know that in mid-April, the site shut down, as the owner wanted to focus more time on his young family and becoming a successful author. Now after a rest and sabbatical from reviewing for a couple of weeks, I am now back with a new site, with plenty of things to interest quite a lot of people.

You may say and think that this is a knee-jerk impulsive reaction, in response to filling the void left by a pastime and ministry act that has lasted 2 and a half years, and that I’m possibly not thinking things through. After all, this is the first blog I have operated as an administrator, on a large scale with a defined mission and vision. But this has been something brewing within me and tugging at my heart for a while- to write on a site that is my own, to start a ministry that is bigger than myself, that is for the glory of God. It’s just that CMZ shutting down was God giving me the sign that I needed; I was constantly praying and seeking God’s will prior to this for a while, maybe 6 months or so.

So without further ado, may I present this new site “365 Days of Inspiring Media” with pride and happiness, and let you know what to expect here over the next few months.

CONTENT ON “INSPIRING MEDIA” (subject to change):

  1. Music album reviews
  2. Concert Reviews
  3. 2-3 TV show reviews per week (starting in June 2014 for summer shows and September 2014 for fall shows)
  4. Movie reviews- once every 3/4 weeks starting in late May 2014
  5. Video of the Day (which may be a music video, lyric video, movie trailer, tv show trailer, excerpt of a cooking show, excerpt of singing/reality competitions, excerpts of sermons, artist interviews on other sites, story behind the songs, sports highlights)
  6. Recipe of the week (either a link to a video or official website)
  7. Google Hangouts with Artists as well as email and possible face to face interviews.
  8. Blog series about various topics (this secret series will start in mid-May 2014)
  9. Bible verse of the Week and a short application to everyday life

It’ll be a few days before the first review is uploaded, so take a look around and soak in the atmosphere of the site.

You can also check out the profiles of the writers here!

I hope that you thoroughly enjoy yourself here at “365 Days of Inspiring Media”!

Talk to you all soon!

5 thoughts on “365 Days of Inspiring Media’s Welcome Post!”

  1. Hey Josh & Jon, thanks for all you guys do – 365 is going to be awesome & Blessed! You guys have a vision and you’re going for it 100%! It’s a true privilege to be a part of it! 🙂

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