Tag Archives: australian shows

TV Thursdays: My Favourite British Show/s Ever!


ashes to ashes1

Hands up who saw Packed To The Rafters after reading my blog last week? No one? All of you? A few weeks ago, we delved into the topic of the ratio of American shows to shows produced internationally, inclusive of my homeland Australia, and we discussed about what makes a great show, and whether country of origin plays a factor. As I mentioned before, the decision is up the it’s up to the consumer and the avid TV watcher to know if their show is good, regardless of where it was filmed and set; and it’s my job as a reviewer and an informer of shows just to state the facts, give my opinion, hopefully as unbiased as can be, and let you all make up your minds.

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TV Thursdays: My Favourite Australian TV Show Ever!

packed to the rafters

A few weeks ago, we delved into the topic of the ratio of American shows to shows produced internationally, inclusive of my homeland Australia, and we discussed about what makes a great show, and whether country of origin plays a factor. While the debate of sorts can carry on for a while yet, with many groups of people arguing about one type of favourite show vs another, ultimately it’s up to the consumer and the avid TV watcher to know if their show is good, regardless of where it was filmed and set. Over the next few weeks, I will delves into my favourite non-American TV shows (maybe about 5 or 6) and then I will try to wrap things up in a neat and nice bow. So are you ready?

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TV Thursdays: This TV Show (____) Is American…That Means It’s Great Quality, Right? (International Shows- Introduction)

australian tv channels

It’s been about a couple of weeks or so since I last posted (about Robin Williams’ last show), and in between that time I have had time to think about this next series. We took a break for TV Thursdays one week, and in the other week, my brother Jon wrote a guest post about his favourite 15 shows of 2014, and what he is planning to watch this coming 2014/2015 broadcast TV season. So, what is the topic for today?

Continue reading TV Thursdays: This TV Show (____) Is American…That Means It’s Great Quality, Right? (International Shows- Introduction)