USA Network
Premiere Date: July 17th 2014
Reviewed by: Joshua Andre
Rush (Pilot)
Starring: Tom Ellis, Larenz Tate, Sarah Habel, Rick Gonzalez, Odette Annable, Brian Markinson, Erica Cerra, Rolando Molina, Angell Conwell, Gino Anthony Pesi
What do you get if you mix a skilful and knowledge concierge doctor with a wad of cash, no questions asked? What do you get with a doctor with an attitude like’…we don’t scream, we don’t discriminate, we don’t judge, I’m not a shrink, not a lawyer, not a priest, not a cop, we treat people who pay…’? That’d be my question when asking about the new medical drama show Rush. Well the answer lies partially in the pilot episode, and hopefully fully in the following episodes, in the 9pm slot on USA Network on Thursdays.