Tag Archives: swimming

TOP 10 ___: TOP 10 Sports Any Person Ought To Play/Watch If They’re Visiting Australia This Summer

Time for another Top 10 post, and one that is not music related. Considering that I am from Australia, and am proud to identify myself as an Australian, I thought this would be a good post- a ranking of sports if you will. If you were to come to Australia, for a holiday, which sport should you check out, either through watching or even playing with your friends? Here are 10 sports that I reckon should be on the radar. Some you may have heard of, others you may not have, yet here’s 10 to keep you fit and occupied for the next few months.

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Top 10 ___: Top Ten Activities To Undertake At The Beach!


Welcome to the latest instalment of our most recent blog series Top Tens, which is posting roughly every Sunday, Australian time. We have been on a break for a couple of weeks, thinking about new topics so that this series doesn’t become stale, and here we are again with a new and fresh perspective. Last time I went very specific, and shared my top 10 new characters I would like to see on one of my favourite TV shows, Once Upon a Time (in the upcoming 4th Season and beyond). Now we’re pulling things back to the more general.

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Top 10 ___: Top Ten Australian Activites to Undertake!

Ayres Rock, Australia: A Kangaroo warning road sign in the desert near Uluru

Welcome to the latest instalment of our most recent blog series Top Tens, which is posting every Sunday, Australian time. Last week I shared my top 10 favourite Robin Williams films, and this week, in light of the tragedy that occurred last week, I’m going to create a blog that is much more buoyant, positive, and hopefully it’ll be a list to make us laugh, that is a bit funny, and doesn’t take itself that seriously.

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